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Rye'lnn Nelson
Chicago,IL 📍

A week later

I woke up to somebody beating on my door I gradded my robe and walked to the door rubbing my eyes . Who is it .....

"Chicago Police Department " . I opened the door and I saw two police officers standing in my door way

"Are you Ms.Nelson " one of the officers spoke

I'm she

We need to ask you couple of question about your father murder ... You mind coming down to the station

Yes I do mind what is this about

"Ma'am we can either put you in cuffs or you can come willingly . "

Give me a minute I said frowning my face up closing the door and running to my room to grab my keys and my phone . I slipped some pants on and grabbed my slide walking back to the door .


I got in my car and trailed them to the station . I grabbed my phone and dailed Kadon number . It rang three times and he finally picked up

Heyy .... My bad if I woke you up but 12 just came to my door talking bout I need to come down station and they wanna ask me question about my dad . I don't know what they know but if ya'll at the trap ya'll need to clean out .

"Ight bet ....You want me to come down there with you " he said getting up and propping his phone up on the dresser and taking his shirt off leaving him in a white beater

Naw I'm good

"Ight ....Just keep me posted " he said looking in the camera

Ok I said turning into the station . I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes

"Hey ....Look at me .... Everything gone be ok "

I know thank you ... I gotta go I said hanging up when I seen the officer walking up to my car

I got out and walked in . I sat down on the bench that was there and it was this crack head next to me in cuffs

"What you do little lady " he said leaning closer to me

Right this why Ms . Nelson one of the detective called out . I walked to the back room and sat down

"How are you doing today " one of the detective said

Why am I here

"Where were you the night your father died"

By his side I said rolling my neck . They both looked at each other . Is there something I'm missing

" Ms.Nelson we have video footage of you leaving the crime scene"

Ya to ride in the ambulance I said folding my arms .They left out and 5 minutes later they came back with a folder .

" Ms Nelson we're going to ask you again .... Did you have anything to do with your father's death "

I heard the gun shoots replay in my head and I jumped . Are you serious I said as my eyes started to water

"Ms .Nelson listen we're just trynna catch your farther's killer "

I shock my head and wiped my face . They took the pictures out the folder and put then on the table in front of me . I picked the pictures up and staring at them and my heart dropped .

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