29 - The gallery

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Laney wondered what happened to the summer. They were into the hazy days of August , and the day of the gallery event had arrived. A long list of people agreed to attend. Too many between her family and her biological family. She was most concerned about her bio relatives. Would Sasha feel uncomfortable when Jake's mother appeared?

Sasha was planning to attend with Davis, which caused another worry. In her conversations with Reed, and they've had more than a few, he referred to Sasha's friendship with Davis differently than Laney knew it to be.

For weeks, she had tried to ignore her feelings for Reed first because he was Sasha's stepson. As her relationship with Sasha became defined as a unique friendship, the step-sibling obstacle subsided. Still, she had to protect her identity. She never planned to see Reed again unless through Sasha. When he walked into the reception, Jazmyn was excited about the guy she met while drunk. It surprised Laney, her friend remembered, although Reed was hard to forget. She never expected to turn around and see Reed. His glare made her angry enough to confront him, only to discover the attraction hadn't faded. Maybe it was in their DNA.

Although they had talked frequently, Reed had shifted his position. He was the one hung up on being step-siblings. In between discussing their predicament, their conversation flowed. He told her about his new job which after one week he loved. He was reluctant to go to the gallery event, but she convinced him.

Dressing for the evening, her mind kept thinking of looking good for Reed. He would arrive with Sasha and Davis like a family.

He complained on the phone. "Sasha told my Dad I met you at the cottage. So no more secrets."

Except about your father.

As if reading her mind, Reed said, "The day your... um, Jake came to my house, I caught him looking at a picture of Sasha. I don't think he hates her as much as you think."

"She hurt him twice, by leaving and by hiding her pregnancy."

"Maybe... I don't know, but she's lonely, and he's divorced, too. So..."

Laney laughed. "No way. He would never."

"Too bad. He seems nice enough."

Laney knew he was better than nice enough. "He is."

All the players in the story of her life would be together. One last look in the mirror, she left her room. Her father wanted to drive her, but she insisted she needed to arrive early.

The drive helped calm her, but when she stepped into the gallery, she felt like a hummingbird was flapping in her chest cavity. Marisa greeted her and offered her a flute. She held the glass with shaking hands.

"Relax. It's a fun evening." Nodding at the glass, she added, "Go ahead. It'll relax you."

Marissa quickly moved on to greet the next person through the door. The spacious gallery was set up with a large reception area. There were platters of food and glasses of champagne served by staff in black pants and white shirts. She walked around the displays and stopped short when she saw her own paintings. Her hand went over her heart as it threatened to fly out of her chest. The price tag was beyond what she expected.

A voice behind her said, "It never gets old. They're beautiful." Laney blushed. "Those are mine."

She pointed to two watercolors. One was of a child's small pudgy hand holding a baseball. The other was of a mudroom with various shoes and dirty paw prints. It represented life and family. She felt envious of the woman.

When she walked back to the reception area, Jake, Diane and Krista were stepping through the door. She thought, let them leave early.

Smiling, she greeted each with a hug. Diane looked around. "Fancy."

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