31 - Slow

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When Reed walked into the gallery and saw Laney, he knew he was a dead man. She looked beautiful, but her smile went right to his dick. He watched her greet Sasha and reminded himself it would never work, because he loved Sasha too much to make her choose.

He had resisted attending, but even his dad encouraged him to support Sasha. One more nail in the coffin of future possibilities. His loyalty was cemented at age ten.

When Sasha pointed out their relationship had withstood his father's cheating and the divorce, he felt a heavy burden dissipate. Ever since Sasha told him the truth about Laney, he had been pushing a heavy boulder uphill trying to keep his feelings for her at bay.

After his conversation, he stayed by Laney's side and breathed a sigh of relief when Jake left just after Sasha. He felt torn between the guy who was Laney's father and the man who created the tension with Sasha. He understood his hurt. Reed realized Jake was the reason Sasha had looked unhappy all summer. Meanwhile, Davis stood by her like he was still her husband. Even Jake questioned their relationship.

When Laney challenged him to talk to Sasha, he expected all hope would be gone. He respected Sasha too much to cause her pain. Sasha's response made his arguments weak. He would let Laney drive him home. It was a million times better than sitting in the backseat being reminded of a family that didn't exist.

After watching Jake leave, Reed grabbed two flutes and handed one to Laney. Raising his, he said, "To the amazingly talented, beautiful Laney Sherman."

Their flutes clinked as she blushed. During her toast, her family appeared.

Mrs. Sherman said, "We planned to stay, but Skylar is tired."

Paul confirmed. "She should be resting."

"Dad, I'm not glass. I wanted to stay and find out why my sister's been keeping secrets."

Reed felt heat on his neck. Maureen said, "Sasha's stepson isn't a secret." She leaned in and kissed Laney's cheek. "We're so proud."

Her father squeezed her shoulder and her brother-in-law copied him before escorting his very pregnant wife towards the door.

Laney sighed. "Phew. What a night!"

Reed smiled. "Family can be amazing and overwhelming. It turned out okay."

Laney nodded. "Jake has mellowed a bit."

"That was mellow? He was mellow when he stared at her picture."

They wandered through the gallery, but there were more empty spots than art on the walls. Blank space replaced Laney's paintings.

"Do you need to stay now?"

Laney smiled at him. "In a hurry?"

"No. Yes, I want to spend time with you, but I have to work in the morning."

Her laugh settled in his groin. "I was teasing. Let me talk to Marisa."

Reed watched as she walked away. He hadn't noticed how sexy she was at the beach. His draw to her went beyond physical appearance. Maybe it was her Sasha traits or the hands of fate. He didn't need to question it. He needed to ride it like the world's best wave for as long as it lasted. Hopefully, it would never end.

She appeared smiling. "Let's go."

He held the door and stepped onto the sidewalk behind her. Then he took her hand and held it as they walked.

She spoke first. "I'm glad it's over. What did Sasha say to you?"

"She promised she could navigate a relationship with both of us even if we..."

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