33 - A Date

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Reed didn't know why he bothered to drive to Maine, when he wanted to be in Massachusetts with Laney. He wanted off the rollercoaster to enjoy a calm paddle in a canoe or a pedal boat built for two.

From the moment he saw Laney, he knew she was special. Then she pushed him away, and he never thought he'd see her again, but he did. Anger and confusion took over until he confronted her. One day he felt hope and the next she was his stepsister. He'd had more drops than highs, but hoped it would change for good.

Sasha acted weird - over the top. Would it be this way? He had only kissed Laney. What would happen when Sasha found out he loved her? If he had taken a survey the day before he stormed off to Maine, he would have answered emphatically he did not believe in love at first sight. The day after, he wasn't so sure. Seeing Laney painting on the beach felt right. Perfect.

Sasha greeted him with news that Laney's nephew had been born. He heard the text, but she would have received a message that he was driving.

Reed second guessed himself, but he was right to let her be with her family. His plan was to surf and drive home to take her out. He stayed up talking to Sasha, trying to keep their conversation away from the girl they had in common. Instead, he told her about his new colleagues and project. He would even travel occasionally to the locations. His current project was in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Not very exciting, except it was home to The Office.

In the morning, he and Sasha walked up for coffee. The line was still long. Would Laney come to Maine before summer was over? Every thought led to one person.

It didn't bother him when they rode into the shore to find Phoebe waiting. He turned his head when Rob kissed her, but he only felt hope. The memory of Laney's lips warmed him.

Phoebe turned to Reed. "What happened to the girl I met?"

He smiled. "We're dating."

Rob patted his back. "Good for you. I hope she makes you as happy as Pheebs makes me."

He agreed one-hundred percent. The waves were too good not to enjoy. A storm was heading up the coast. They forecasted rain for the next three days. He knew the waves would be even better in the rain on Sunday, as his father's words came back to him. Was he giving up surfing for Laney? He thought of it as compromising. Plus, Laney hadn't wanted to see him, at least not until she met her nephew.

They spoke before he went to sleep and she had met the newborn. Her excitement made him feel funny. He never thought much about babies and the miracle Laney talked about. Maybe it was because he grew up surrounded by the screaming, stinky kids.

Through Sasha's story, he realized family brought joy. He defined himself as a brother to Cayden, Payton, and Rylan. With both Sasha and Jake, he sensed sadness. There was a loss for something they missed out on.

Reed left after a late lunch. It gave him time to clean up before picking Laney up. He had never been to her house, but Sasha had. When he pulled up, he thought it was perfect. The well-kept yard and flower beds and the large home reeked of caring and love.

When he reached the stairs at the side of the house, she was there waiting. He froze. She looked beautiful in shorts on the beach and dressed up for the gallery, but she had dressed for him. Her summer dress left delicious shoulders and neck showing.

He reached out to touch the silky flesh. "Hello."

She smiled up at him. Just as he leaned in to kiss her. He planned to aim for her cheek, but changed his mind and captured her soft, full lips.

When he pulled away, he said, "Congratulations, Aunt Laney."

She giggled. "He's so cute and small."

He smiled. He wanted to tell her he missed her, but had to play it cool. Slow and steady won the race, and he wasn't ready to admit to himself he found the finish line.

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