45 - Worried

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Reed had to talk Laney down in the aftermath of the parents' dinner. She was convinced it had been a disaster. Reed's description was uncomfortable. His parents behaved with each other, but his dad was rude to Jake. He acted like he owned Sasha, even though he didn't deserve her. Laney was upset after she walked Jake out. Reed wished his father would stay out of Sasha's business. He gave up his right years before.

Davis hadn't learned because shortly after Reed and Laney arrived home from her mother's house, Davis called, concerned about the storm.

"I know Robbie texted the waves were awesome."

"Sasha's alone. What if the power goes out or..."

"Dad, Sasha has survived plenty of storms. She was fine when the power went out last winter. I'll text her to check on her."

As soon as he hung up, his father texted him that the causeway was flooded. Reed texted Sasha, who assured him she was fine. He would check with her in the morning.

Sighing, he slouched onto his sofa. His freshly painted walls and the little things Laney added made his house feel like a home. He didn't know he was missing vases and candles. Her paintings on the walls were his favorite of the additions, except for Laney.

She stretched her legs to put her feet on his thighs. He rubbed her feet, which made her purr and him hard.

"Are you sure Sasha's okay?"

"Not you too. My father is driving me crazy. The cottage has survived hurricanes and some fierce Nor'easters. Sasha knows what to do."

"It'll be good to see her next weekend. She's been sad."

Reed smiled. "I'm glad you care about her. I know it's weird for you."

Laney laughed. "What? Caring about your stepmother?"

He tickled her feet. She flinched, but she liked it. "You know what I mean."

"Our kids." Reed's heart sped up. "They're going to have way too many grandparents."

"One, two, three grandmothers. That's assuming my dad doesn't go down the aisle again."

Laney looked at her lap. "Do you think he and Sasha could end up together?"

"What? No! She's way too smart to get hurt by him a second time."

"I hope so."

"I'll tell her no. He must not have loved her because I know right here." He patted his chest over his heart. "I could never cheat on you. You are all I want or need."

Laney's eyes were watery. "I love you too." She wiggled her toes into his crotch. "These goods are mine.

Reed shifted his body to reach for her hips and pulled her towards him. She let out a little screech. His hands ran up her sides.

"All of this is mine."

Their lips found each other, and Reed caressed her mouth. After he lingered, he trailed his lips down, savoring her neck and shoulder. His hands lifted her shirt and his mouth found her breasts as he pushed out of her bra. With every kiss, nip, lick, the words on his lips were mine, forever.

His brain told him it was too soon, but he wanted to run off and marry her and start having babies. Less than a year ago, his friend was thinking about marrying a different girl. Once he decided it wasn't right, he fell for Phoebe right away. Reed fell for Laney the moment he laid eyes on her.

Her hand stroked his cock, and he winced. She hit that moment when the pleasure became so intense it was painful. He tugged at her leggings, pulling off her thong with the black lycra.

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