34 - Never

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Sasha enjoyed having Reed's company on summer weekends, but on Sunday morning she walked up for coffee for one. The evening before, she attended the coffeehouse, which in the warm weather had morphed into an outdoor concert in the parking lot. In the summer, Lara Harris joined Mike Bassett. Often, other talented musicians took part. Sasha enjoyed the performance from the high school chorus teacher and a few of her students.

After drinking her coffee, she took a long walk on the beach before the rain started. Jake weighed heavily on her mind. He would be at Reed's house painting and Sasha didn't want his feelings for her to affect the quality of his work. Would she make a quality piece for the woman she caught in her kitchen?

As she worked on pieces for her gift shop order, she wondered how Reed and Laney's date went. She resisted the urge to call Reed, but eventually gave in to her nagging concern and messaged Jake.

To: Jake

Message: I hope you won't take your feelings for me out on Reed.

She felt better and could concentrate on her work. When her phone rang, she was disappointed it was an unknown caller and not Reed. Laney had a mother and sister to report her date to.

After she answered, a voice said, "Seriously, you think I would ruin my professional reputation?"

Her heart took flight. "It's not like I know you."

"Because you left."

She hadn't expected him to call. She stood and paced circles around her small home. Was it her biggest regret or her biggest sacrifice?

"The boy I knew was kind. He put everyone first." Which was why she knew he would give up his future for her.

"For your information, I am still kind to most people. Will you answer one question?"

Sasha stood still and swallowed hard. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was working double time. "What?"

"Did you ever love me?"

Sasha gasped. "Yes!" I never stopped.

His accusing tone stabbed into her heart. "Could have fooled me. Right you did. A con man like your father."

She pleaded. "I'm not lying. Trust me."

"Trust you? You're probably still keeping secrets."

Eager to prove herself, she blurted, "Laney and Reed went out last night."

"Great! Now you're using your step kid to convince her to be on your side."

"My side? She lives near you and met your whole family. She came to see me once and won't come back. I think I know what she thinks of me."

"She keeps defending you. Remember, you're the one who made decisions that should have been mine."

She took a deep breath, but her voice still shook. "Your future was bright. You would have given it all up and married me."

"Of course I would have married you! It was what I wanted. Don't you understand!" He raised his voice, as Sasha's heart felt like it was ripped from her chest with his bare hands. He paused, and barely audible, he said, "It was all I ever wanted."

She sobbed. "I'm sorry. I thought it was for the best. Can't you focus on how happy she is? When you hated me before I told you about Laney, I knew you would never forgive me. I have no right to ask anything of you, but I wish you... Oh, forget it. Jake, have a good life. Enjoy Laney."

Sasha hung up and cried. What did she wish for? Jake, to forgive her? She cried for the desperate eighteen-year-old girl. The night she said goodbye to Jake, she didn't know it would be for the last time. She wavered back and forth. Her parents were awake and told her they were leaving in the morning.

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