Chapter 01

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Authors' Note: This story begins with the final scene of episode 05x04, episode in which Andy realizes he needs to talk to Robert and that he also needs professional help, ie therapy.

Note: We are not psychologists and we do not have enough knowledge to approach the correct form of the therapeutic process. However, as we wish the series had addressed this issue, we created this fanfic based on our perception of the traumas and problems that Andy and Robert have been facing. We hope you enjoy.

Andy's POV

"You are the first woman after Claire to make me feel whole again. You helped me rediscover myself as a man and as a friend. I know I made mistakes and I'm so sorry for hurting you. But I can't sorry for trying to rebuild my career. So... I signed. I love you Andy, but I can't be the only one fighting for us. I want you to be happy. And I want to be happy."

Ever since I heard them, those words have not left my head. I hear them over and over in my mind as I look at the divorce papers with his signature.

When Robert opened his heart to me in the most intense and truthful way he could and handed me the divorce papers, I just shut up. My body froze, my hands shook with the weight of those papers and I watched him walk away from me as if I would never see him again.

That day I couldn't concentrate on work anymore, but I didn't feel relieved when the shift ended either.

I arrived at Maya's house and went straight to my room. I put the papers on the nightstand beside my bed and tried to sleep. Unsuccessful attempt. I felt the tears roll down my face and his voice wouldn't shut up in my mind. I said to myself, "Andrea, what did you do? What are you doing with your own life? You are letting go of the most important person in your life. When will you realize that alone you won't be able to heal?"

I saw those papers and felt even worse. So, in the middle of the night I got up and without really thinking about what I was doing, I put them in the freezer. I thought if they weren't so close to me, maybe I would be able to sleep. But that didn't happen. It was a terrible nigth. The insomnia persisted throughout the night and I couldn't even slow down my thoughts.

When the sun rose, I got up. I opened the fridge to prepare something to eat and then, inevitably, I looked at those papers that seemed to be chasing me. I didn't know what to do with them. I couldn't sign them. This is not what I wanted for my life. I needed to change my story. As hard as it was to admit, Diane was right. I needed her. I needed help.

I grabbed my bag and went to Diane's office.

She was startled to see me, but in fact, she knew the reason for my presence.

Diane: Herrera, I didn't expect to see you in my office.

Andy: I ​​know you have your patients booked, but I need your help.

Diane: I still have 30 minutes before the calls start. Enter in my office.

We enter the room. She offered me to sit down, but I couldn't. I paced tirelessly as I said:

Andy: Robert handed me the divorce papers and now I regret everything I did. He said he signed because he wants to see me happy, but I don't know how to be happy without him. I will never be happy knowing that I left home without fighting for my marriage. For the most precious thing in my life. I let him fight alone for us and now I don't know how to change our story.

Diane: Herrera...

Andy: Please call me Andy.

Diane: Okay. Andy, that statement you're telling me, did you tell him?

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