Chapter 10

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When I said goodbye to Andy, I went into my room and remembered every moment we were living on this trip. The memory of the moment I'd almost kissed her wouldn't leave my mind. Being so close to her and not having her isn't easy, but I know it's necessary. However, nothing stopped me from dreaming about her all night long.

The next day was our last day of travel. I booked us a table at a famous restaurant in town. I didn't intend it to be a romantic dinner, I just wanted to give her one last good memory of this trip that was so special to us.

When Andy walked out of her room, I couldn't resist looking her up and down. She was beautiful. Her perfume was bewitching me. For a moment, I wondered if this dinner was a good idea, because I knew it would be another night of resisting my desires.

Robert: You look beautiful!

Andy: Thank you. You're not bad either. I would even say it is very charming.

And I smiled at the way she referred to me.

Robert: Well, let's go. The taxi is already waiting for us.

Once we were in the restaurant, I read the menu and then decided on my dish.

Robert: I'll have some oysters in herb sauce.

Andy: I'll have shrimp risotto.

Robert: Once upon a time I would drink wine, but today I will drink grape juice. And to you? Do I order a wine?

Andy: I'll accompany you with the grape juice.

Robert: Andy, it's okay for you to drink wine around me. I know you like. And that won't distract me from my sobriety.

Andy: Robert, I know how hard you are to stay away from addictions and it won't be any sacrifice to support you and drink juice. I really don't want to drink anything alcoholic today.

Robert: Thank you.

We continued talking until our meals arrived. My plate full of oysters was delicious. I started to savor it when I was interrupted by Andy.

Andy: Um... watching you eat makes it look delicious.

Robert: Yes. It's very tasty.

I noticed Andy stealing one of my oysters and couldn't help but take it back.

Andy: Don't be mean. I never ate oysters.

Robert: I made that rule very clear before we got married. "If oysters are served, I will not share mine."

Andy: Were you really serious?

Robert: Everything I said that day was serious.

I was making fun of the situation, but obviously I let her taste one of my oysters.

As we ate dinner, I felt so good I needed to say a few words to Andy.

Robert: Andy, it's been a few weeks since we started couples therapy and I've never told you how proud I am to see your transformation. To see that you sought help. You're still the same Andy as ever, but I can see how good therapy has been for you. And if today I'm taking this night on an unforgettable journey, it's because you started this movement for us.

Andy: I'm happy with my transformations. I was very fragile and alone I would have only made things worse.

Andy was looking into my eyes and I felt her hand touch over mine, which was resting on the table.

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