Chapter 08

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Today is my first return to Station 23 since I started couples therapy. Andy and I are on our way to our first calling together.

The 23 team has already made some jokes about us, but we are ignoring it and standing firm to fulfill what we agreed with Diane. Today we are Sullivan and Herrera and we only talk about professional matters.

We arrive at the fire site and I can already see that Andy will have to make quick decisions before the fire spreads. We are in a restaurant, the fire only affects a small area, which suggests that the cause of the fire has nothing to do with the kitchen. Perhaps it was caused by smoking, as this is the designated smoking area. The fact is that the flames cannot reach the kitchen, as the gas can promote an explosion.

I won't deny that my instinct has already told me everything we need to do, but I'll wait for her to direct me. I trust her potential as a captain.

Andy: Ruiz, Maddox and Duval removal of victims from the scene; Barnes and Sullivan, put out the flames starting from the left side.

I knew she would make the right decision. Starting on the left, we will prevent the flames from reaching the kitchen.

We all followed the orders given by Andy and were successful in the call.

I know she's been ready to be captain since before we met, but I couldn't help but feel proud to see her in action.

The rest of the day was peaceful. Andy spent most of her time in her office and I tried to get closer to the team.

In those first days working on the 23 team, we didn't have any big calls. I'm getting used to the idea of ​​Andy handing me over. It is already becoming something natural. I no longer care about guarding my opinions and instincts. She has done an excellent job.

It was only on the fourth day that we had a larger call. A car fell into a ravine area and access was difficult. Me, Barnes, and Maddox would go down and try to remove the driver, while Duval and Ruiz would wait upstairs to administer first aid and take him to the hospital once he was rescued.

I was about to climb down the slope when I felt Andy's hand touch my shoulder and her worried voice reached my ears.

Andy: Take care and keep in touch.

Robert: Don't worry. Let's go back all right.

We arrived close to the vehicle and I confess that the situation was worse than we imagined. I couldn't make any decisions without my captain's permission. Then I heard Andy call over the radio, which was ignored by my co-workers as they were trying to open the car door. However, I knew that it was impossible to open with only the equipment we had brought with us. The right thing was to pass the situation on to our captain and change our initial plans.

Andy: Maddox, Barnes or Sullivan, how is the operation down there?

Robert: Captain, the vehicle is tipped over to the driver's side. It is not possible to say if the driver is alive, as he is unconscious and we will not be able to approach or have any contact with him until we manage to remove one of the doors.

Andy: Given what you're seeing, what do you suggest Sullivan?

Hearing our conversation over the radio, Maddox interrupted:

Maddox: Captain, I'm the lieutenant here at the scene. That question would have to be asked of me.

Andy: Maddox, who reported the real situation of the place was Sullivan, therefore, he will answer. And I don't want questions, because we don't have time to waste. Sullivan, please, what do you suggest?

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