Final Chapter

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Final chapter

Authors' Note: The final chapter was created based on what we would like the series to have shown in the episode that closed the first phase of the season. Episode 5x08 - All I want for Christmas is you.

Robert's POV

A few days had passed after our last therapy session and Andy had said nothing about returning home or completing the divorce process. As hopeful as I was, there were moments when I was still afraid that she wouldn't come back into my life.

But just like Dr. Webber suggested it to me, I was waiting for her to reflect. I didn't want to pressure her. No more. I just wanted her to make her decision consciously.

3 days after our last conversation with Diane, it was Christmas Day. I was alone all day. I prepared something simple for me to eat, took my shower and lay down to read a book. Ben had invited me to join his family for Christmas dinner, but I preferred to stay at home, even if alone.

Andy's POV

It was Christmas Day and I had arranged with my aunt Sandra that I would celebrate at her house.. They are my family and I was more than sure that I was with them that night.

My aunt's meals are delicious, which makes me completely embarrassed to cook anything for her. But I also couldn't arrive at Supper without taking something. So I spent all day preparing a dessert.

It was getting late when I finally finished. I only had time for a quick shower and a very simple makeup.

When I arrived at my aunt's house, I had the feeling that I had returned to my childhood. All the traditions were there. It's been a long time since I've had a Christmas like this. With my father, Christmas was always in station and, even though I met my aunt again more than 1 year ago, the year before we had not celebrated together due to the Coronavirus pandemic. But this time we had the family together, lots of lively music and it was the Christmas of my dreams.

But even with everything so perfect, my heart was tight. Something was missing.

I tried to have fun, but I couldn't. My heart told me what was missing. Robert was missing. I was missing him who is my family. The one I chose and swore to be by his side every day of my life. And if he wasn't there with us, it was my fault. Because I broke our oaths, even though I loved him so much.

I wondered what he would be like that Christmas night. I was missing him. I sat back a bit and texted him.


"Hi Robert, Merry Christmas. Hope you are fraternizing with Ben and Bailey."


"Hey Andy! Merry Christmas for you too. I am at home. Didn't want to get in the way of Ben's family celebration. Send a hug to Aunt Sandra, Uncle Johnny and Michelle."


"Yes, I will pass on your congratulations to them."

Knowing he was alone made me feel even more upset about the whole situation I'd caused. So I got up, made up an excuse for my aunt, and left.

I quickly stopped by my house to pick up something important and drove towards the place I could always call home.

Robert's POV

I was startled when I heard the doorbell. I opened the door and to my surprise, there she was. Andy.

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