Chapter 07

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Robert's POV

Over a year ago my heart broke for the second time.

Claire's death destroyed me and took me to the darkest side of my soul. My will to live was slowly fading. I just followed my work routine and nothing else. But when I met Andy, everything changed. She helped me heal the wounds of my soul. Not that I'd forgotten Claire, I never will. But Andy taught me to smile again. She showed me that I was alive and that I could love again. I hadn't danced in years and with her, it happened very often. I was finally happy after so many years of depression.

What I didn't expect was that the very person who healed me would be the one who would break my heart again.

These last few months have been horrible. At first I had hoped that she would repent and come home. But that didn't happen. The months went by and the indifference with which she treated me was something I couldn't stand anymore. And so, my hope faded every day.

Then came the day I feared the most. The divorce papers were delivered. I felt humiliated when I received the documents right at my place of work, in front of the entire team. And once again I felt hurt by her.

There was nothing left for me to do but sign the papers and leave her free to go on with her life as she wanted. But even though I was hurt and tired of fighting for our marriage alone, I still tried for the last time. I let my deepest feelings get out. I told her everything I felt and then handed her the papers. Still, she didn't say a word to me. Her silence finished breaking what was left of my heart. I left and now I fight daily to heal myself from the pain of this marriage. It hasn't been easy, but I'm making it.

But today, right when I woke up, I saw her name in my inbox in my email. I was hoping for some information about the divorce hearing that so far has not been scheduled, however, what I read was something that surprised me. After 1 year and divorce papers signed, now she wants to fight for us.

To be honest, I don't know if I have the strength for it. I don't know if I can open the wounds I'm struggling to close. I still feel bad remembering that she slept right with Beckett. But despite that, in the last few weeks we were able to work together without arguments. I'm afraid we'll try to go back to our marriage and it will all get worse.

But I can't deny that Andy still messes with me. Just reading her name in my inbox was enough to make my heart flutter. Yes, I loved Claire very much, but Andy is different. She takes my breath away, dominates my mind and awakens in me feelings I've never experienced before.

When I read that she wanted a hug so she wouldn't feel alone, my desire was to get in the car and drive to her as quickly as possible. But I won't, for in a few hours we will meet at the Thanksgiving celebration. Our teams will be together and our contact will be inevitable. So, I don't know what my reaction will be when I see her, but I need to give her that hug she asked for. As hurt as I am, I will never forget that she was, for a long time, my only company at 19 and it pains me to know that she is feeling lonely after a loss as important as Dean's.

3 hours later

When I arrived at station 19, I decided to wait for the 23 team outside the station. Well, actually I wasn't waiting for the team, I was waiting for her, for Andy.

My hands were sweating and my heart was racing. The last time I felt like this, I was at an altar watching her walk in arm in arm with her father, Captain Herrera. It's weird that I feel the same way this day, but I couldn't help it.

23's car parked and the team was heading my way. I watched her walk more slowly than the others and then I realized that she understood that I was waiting for her and purposely let her colleagues into the station first.

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