Chapter 06

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It's been 2 weeks since Dean passed away. Although we are all still very sad, little by little we are able to resume our lives.

Vic was hospitalized for several days, but is now at home, being taken care of by Theo. However, she needs to continue monitoring her heartbeat and avoid stressful situations and emotions.

Jack is trying to get over it all, but I know it's still hard for him to accept what happened.

Pru is living with Ben and Bailey. She has adapted well to her new family and that makes me happy. She is being very loved by them.

And as for me, I'm working as the acting captain of Station 23 until Captain Aquino returns. It's not going to be easy. They don't respect me and don't obey my orders. It's a daily challenge to command them.

In these last few weeks, as stations 19 and 23 are down with fewer firefighters due to the accident, some of us have been taking extra shifts on the other team.

Robert has volunteered to work at 23 on his free day and for that, I will be his captain. As usual, he and I arrived earlier than the rest of the team. We don't like to be late.

As soon as he saw me, he came to greet me and my heart was happy that now we can at least talk without fear.

Robert: How have you been the last few days? Well... since Dean's death, I haven't seen you anymore and I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me.

Andy: I'm trying to get through all of this. I'm still sad, but little by little the pain is lessening. Thanks for asking.

I stopped what I was saying to think about the words I wanted to use. I'm learning from Diane to control my impulsiveness.

Andy: Robert, despite everything between us, you can always come to me. I like talking to you. And I also worry about how you're getting over Dean's death. I know you guys had some disagreements, but lately you were closer.

Robert: I'm also slowly coming to terms with his absence. Time is easing this pain. But at the same time, his death brought me the certainty that, despite saving lives, we are not immortal. We are vulnerable all the time and it made me more worried about me and you and all our friends.

Andy: I ​​feel the same way.

Our conversation was going well. Let's just say it's been a while since we've talked so calmly. But we were interrupted when the rest of the team arrived. So, I asked them to line up and when I was about to start the inspection, there was already our first call.

We immediately left for the location. A house was on fire, so the entire team was needed.

In the house there was an elderly lady alone. She had put a pot of water on the stove to boil, but due to Alzheimer's, she forgot the pot on the stove and so the fire started.

As soon as we arrived, I distributed the tasks.

Andy: Ruiz and Barner, rescue the lady. Sullivan, Maddox and Duval, enter the house and put out the flames.

Everyone went to their duties and I remained outside analyzing the structure. Ruiz and Barner were quick. They managed to get the lady out of the place and were offering first aid. Everything seemed to be going well, when I noticed that the structure of the house was unstable. There was a risk of collapse. So immediately I announced it on the radio.

Andy: Sullivan, Maddox and Duval, leave immediately.

To my surprise, I heard a complaint coming over the radio.

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