The truth

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Kylo's POV:

I was back in the throne room, laying on the ground. Coming to my senses, I stood up and looked all around. Damage and destruction all around me. Then I felt something familiar in the force, someone resembling her.

Instantly I moved my head in the direction hoping to see her, making sure she's alright. She was right in front of me, and before I knew it my hand was outreached to her. Her hand wrapped around mine sending a jolt of electricity throught my body, but it didn't feel right, it felt as if it was damaging me. Her grip became so tight that I saw my hand loose its circulation.

Looking back up at her, it wasn't the same person I had come to know. She was barley recognizable. Every feature on her face was sharp, she looked cold, drained of all life. Her saber hung from her belt, blood red. Her eyes once filled with hope now remained void of all emotion, not a single shred of humanity. Everything I admired about her was gone.

Leaving me frozen in my spot, confused and frightened at what she'd become. I tried pulling my hand away, but her hand was imbedded in mine, tightening. An immense wave of pain shot up my arm, causing me to fall to my knees. I tried using my other hand to get her's away from mine, but she had frozen in mid air with the force. This wasn't Rey, this was something terrible, unhuman, a monster...

My breathing heavy, I woke up in a cold sweat. As I shot up, from my bed, the sheets draped against my body slid down to my waist. My breathing heavy, trying to come to terms that what I had just experienced was a dream, or more like a nightmare.

The Nightmare had felt so real, and that scared me. With all my thoughts and visions of me and Rey ruling together on the throne, I'm now realizing how I failed to account for what would happen to her. The dark side infects, it corrupts. If she was to fall to the dark side, then the Rey I've come to admire for her persistence and willingness to succeed would be lost.

Standing up, I walked over to the sink. Staring at my reflection, my skin was flushed. My head was killing me, so I tried running my hands through my hair to make it feel better, splashing some water in my face. Really taking a look at myself, I began to wonder if what happened to Rey in my Nightmare is what happened to me.

I can't have the darkness consume her as it did me. I wouldn't wish my internal suffering upon her. A constant battle being fought in my mind.

I need some sort of plan to convince her to join my cause without her being corrupted by the dark side.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Answering the door, below me was a small droid holding a platter with the mask I had destroyed. Studdying the mask, there were cracks welded together with some red light shining through.

As I reached my hand out, the words "monster in a mask" echoed throughout my mind.

"Get this out of my sight!" I yelled out at the droid.

Rey's POV:

A new day, a fresh beginning. Already I've been feeling loads better.

Sitting in my bed, I pulled my knees into my chest, resting my chin upon them. I didn't realize that I was chewing on my lip, lost in thought, thinking about the way he was looking at me with that intensity.

Maybe it's time for some fresh air. With that thought, I prepared myself for stepping out of my room. Only being out of the room for a couple minutes, I was instantly surrounded by my friends.

"Hey Rey, feeling any better?" Finn said being the first one to talk.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind" I said sending a sympathetic smile his way. Thankfully he understood, and let me continue on my way to the mess hall.

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