The Edge: Pt. 1

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Rey's POV:

This seemed to be a recurring theme. Dazed and confused, I woke up to a pounding in my head greater than anything I've ever experienced.

Before I could even open my eyes, I found myself trying to speak. "Wha, what happened?" I said.

In an attempt to move around, I went to sit up, but felt a tight hold around my waist. My wrists and ankles burning from the restraints digging into my skin. Similar to when I awoke on Starkiller base for what feels like a lifetime ago.

Not even was I able to get a feel for the place surrounding me. Reaching out through the force, well it wasn't possible. It was as if I was as closed off from the force as Luke had done to himself for years on end. Except I wasn't the one doing this.

At the sound of a familiar voice, I force my eyes open. "Aaaahhh. Finally, you're awake. I was starting to get bored".

"Wha, what is this?" I said in shock. Samson. It was him. I remember now. In the Archives. He injected something into my neck.

"Relax, struggling will only drain your energy," he said. Pushing off the table where he leaned against, he started making his way over.

My heartrate was erratic, he wouldn't stop walking. "Stay away from me" I commanded, but my voice began to waver for I still couldn't feel the force around me.

Walking right up to me, I could feel his hand against the side of my face. I tried moving my head over, but it was no use from the restraints. "Pretty thing. I won't hurt ya, unless you want me to". His hands, warm, began stroking my hair. The fear, deep rooted in me, surfacing stronger than ever.

"Who are you, really?!" I shouted at him.

Stepping out right in front of me, he stood there like a statue, arms crossed. An eerie smile creeped onto his face. "I guess you could say I'm an old friend of you buddy Kylo Ren. Or... what is he called these days? Perhaps you might know him better as Ben Solo"

I just stared in shock. Why didn't Ben ever mention he knows him? Or wait, did they ever even encounter one another though the force connection?

"Oh yeah, and the name's Cardo by the way", he said.

The name was all too familiar, but I was having trouble focusing, still feeling a bit hazy.

"What did you inject me with?" I asked, recalling the information room.

"Well I actually made it myself. Flattered you noticed. You see, I discovered the ingredient when I happened upon an infected cave of Kyber crystals. Force blocking, or more like suppressing to put it in simple terms. Has to do with the midochloridians and blah blah blah technical stuff".

Panic engulfed me as I truly felt helpless for the first time in my life. My life is hanging at the mercy of an 'old friend' of Kylo Ren. In my panic I shouted for help to see if anyone could hear me, even knowing that wherever I was it was most likely pointless.

I should've known better than to keep my mouth shut. A strip of fabric was tied around my mouth, making it nearly impossible to speak.

"AAaaaaahhhhh, that's better. You talk WAYYYYY too much" Cardo said. Circling me like a Rapthar circles its prey, he then knelt down beside me. "You know, I see why Kylo's so fond of you. I mean, he has..." he began saying, looking me up and down, "...really good taste".

Standing up, he grabbed the bottom of my chin. "You don't think he'd mind sharing, do ya?" he said, his voice darkening.

His hand started tracing the outline of my body, I tried moving away but was held in place.

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