The Edge Pt. 2

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Ben's POV:

No no no no no no, those IDIOTS.

"You said you'd come alone!" Cardo said. His demeanor completely changed. His eyes physically darkened. The ground below me started to shake.

Rey... she's still with him.

Before I knew it, I was sent flying back 10ft in the air. My body hit the hard ground. Everything hurts. Whipping my head up, I could still see her, but his knife was drawn.

It all happened so fast. The sound of blasterfire rang in my ear. I looked from Poe over to Cardo, and there it was. A blaster mark seared into his lower abdomen. He was shot, he had actually been shot.

A wave of relief washed over me as I saw the knife drop from his hand. With the little strength he had left, Cardo lifted his other hand in the air, some sort of comm link or button?

"This isn't over Ren" he said, eyes staring daggers right at me. His thumb pressed a button, causing the little device to start beeping faster and faster until it went silent. With his final breaths, he began to stumble backwards towards the edge of the cliff, but at the last moment his hand got a hold of the chair Rey was tied down to.

"REYYY" FN2187 yelled. In the blink of an eye, Rey turned her head fast, her muffled screams getting harder to hear as she tipped backwards into the watery grave below her. Cardo smirked before falling under himself.

I couldn't think, I couldn't believe it. Before I could even process what was happening, my body had forced itself up off the ground. My legs carried me fast, nearing the edge of the cliff. My arms ripped off my heavy tunic, leaving behind my undershirt, and grabbed Cardo's knife left on the ground. With a single bound I was airborne, hurdling straight down into the water. Following right behind her.


Rey's POV:

Electricity surged through my body, the pain seemingly never ending. Cardo asked Ben the impossible, to give up his position. This was going to be it for me.

But the pain stopped. A calm. Could that be right? He agreed? He'd give up the entire first order, for me?

"DEAL! I'll give it up, just stop!" he said, his voice stern. The way he spoke, it sent a chill down my spine, one I quite enjoyed.

I watched him in disbelief that this was even happening. He was here, and it was different then ever. Closed off from the force, you'd think I wouldn't be able to know what he feels, but I could feel it. I wasn't a lot, but our connection, parts of it I could still feel, I still know, like it's forever a part of me.

When we locked eyes I could see his determination. I knew then and there he wouldn't let anything happen. Cardo was not going to win this one.

"GET AWAY FROM HER" yelled a distant voice.

Ben was then thrown in the air, blaster fire sounded through the air, and the next thing I knew the front legs of my chair had lifted from the ground

In freefall, I couldn't tell what was up, what was down, where I was, what was happening as I tried gasping for air, and then all of a sudden everything went blank.

A few moments later consciousness returned to me, but I had already gone under the water.

My chest felt heavy. Pulling harder and harder, nothing would set me free. My wrists and ankles rubbing harshly against the scratchy rope, bound to the chair. All I could do was watch as the surface light got dimmer and dimmer.

I could feel my lungs as they started to fill with water, still struggling against the chair. My vision went blurry, the last thing I saw was a dark figure entering the water above me.

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