What is love?

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Rey's POV:

I don't think things can ever go back to the way they were with me and him, but that doesn't mean we can't rebuild. A few days have gone by since we made up, and since then the connection has been slowly but surely bringing back out strength.

And I would need that strength 10 fold tonight. Tonight was a celebration, one that had been in the works for a long time, and it just so happens that tonight is when we were able to make it happen.

Tonight, we celebrate the brave and mighty Admiral Holdo, for the sacrifices she made to keep the resistance alive. Single handedly taking out a dreadnought, and giving my friends time to get to safety. Even though I never got to meet her, she kept alive the one thing we couldn't survive without. Hope.

As silly as it sounds, I've never been to anything like this before. I've had more experience fighting the Sith than I have with fancy dresses and cocktails.

Earlier, Leia had sensed my uneasiness with the celebration, but assured me I'd be okay. That I'd have my friends to be there. Walking into my room, I looked through my closet. The one dress I had owned now ruined after a night of partial drownings and severe injuries at that Wine festival.

I guess that was my one experience with a party, but even then it was a mission. Having everyone get together in one place feels like a set up, or a trap. How am I supposed to have fun if it feels like we're just sitting targets?

"Hhhhgggg" I let out in frustration from my lack of apparel.

Sitting down on my bed, I sat on something hard, "Owwww". Quickly turning around to see what it had been, there lies a box with a note on the top. "For a special occasion -Leia".

Opening the box, inside was the most beautiful garment I'd ever laid eyes on in my entire life. They weren't kidding when they said she was a princess. Because I don't know of anyone else who'd have this lying around. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.


Poe's POV:

Getting my suit ready for tonight, I laid it all out making sure I had everything.

Thinking about everything from the past week, Rey seemed back to her normal self again. Although that didn't mean I wanted her alone with Samson. Something still isn't right with that guy.

Just as if I had willed it into existence, my comm's link buzzed. There in my inbox was a file. It had finally sent over all the data from the base.

Taking a quick look, I opened the data. There were hundreds of names. How on earth could anyone find anything in all of this? No wonder it took an eternity to reach me.

Shutting off the comm link, I put it into a bag, and ran out the door.

Arriving at the tech tent, I set the bag down on the table. "I need someone to look through this data and find the name Samson".

They seemed confused, but knew not to question it. "We'll put our best men on the case... starting tomorrow after the celebration" said the info guy.

It makes sense, but still, another day without knowing if he's telling the truth. "Okay, but once they start, knowing this information is vital. The quicker they find it the better".

With that, I left the tent to go back to my room. Tonight was a celebration, and now I could do just that knowing the data is in good hands.

Admiral Holdo may have been hard headed, but everything she did was for the resistance. Celebrating her is what she would've wanted. Hope is what she strived for, and hope is what she gave all of us. Another shot at rebuilding.

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