01 || nervous?

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song : Todo Va a Estar Bien - Santa Fe Klan     

~ Alejandra ~

I never really gave a shit about the first day of school.

It was just a day that happened every September where students went into new classrooms, got introduced to new teachers and continued their same old bullshit.

A high school as shitty as mine isn't an exception.

Since the Lower East Side isn't exactly the "safest" place in New York City, a lot of shit goes down with kids in my school.

Shit ranging from arrests to investigations to straight criminal activity that the police don't even bother getting into or even know about.

Just another ghetto neighbor raising delinquent teens and children alike.

My favorite isn't the first day of school, but the last day. Three months of uninterrupted freedom.

Being out.

Being high.

Being anywhere but home.

The blaring of my alarm went off at six thirty for my first day back at that hell hole, ultimately ending my summer of intoxication.

Usually, I let the alarm ring for an extra ten minutes before it starts to piss me off, forcing me up and out of bed.

Today though, I practically jump out of the covers to get ready, so eager to get this first day bullshit over with.

I'm not excited- not nervous either. I just wanna get this out of the way. The sooner today ends, the sooner the year ends.

The sooner I get back out.

The first place I go is my closet to get an outfit together. Ten minutes of staring at said closet is ultimately wasted before I get dressed, choosing a simple pair of baggy jeans with a large grey t-shirt.

I'm not sure why I take so much time to decide on outfits since most of my clothes are the same anyways.

After rushing into my chosen outfit, I put my hair into a ponytail. The only gene I got from my dad is his curls since my mom didn't have any. That means that it takes me maybe 30 minutes to tame and tie my hair.

From everything I've ever gotten from my father, my curls are definitely my favorite.

Finishing with my beautiful mess of hair, I follow my regular morning routine by going into the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I take out my nose piercings and set them inside of a rubber band on the counter so they don't roll away while I proceed to scrub my face with a really good face wash I got last Christmas.

The warm water feels nice while I splash it on my skin, getting the rest of the scrub off my face. After re-inserting my studs in both my nostrils and my septum, I move to get my toothbrush while staring at the rest of my face in the mirror.

To the untrained eye, it looks as if I'm creepily admiring myself while making small circles around my teeth with the brush.

Only, it's incorrect.

I'm trying to spot any imperfections that may have appeared overnight.

Maybe a pimple or a second nose.

When finishing my inspection of every inch of my face and finding nothing unusual, I spit out the remainder of my toothpaste and look at my snake eye piercing that I got done over the summer.

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