20 || a moment's peace

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Song: 16 Candles - Isabel LaRosa

~ Alejandra ~

Six days. That's what it's been.

Six days since Gabriel made himself the most hated person in my book, even more so than he was before. Six days of no speaking, no contact and no acknowledgment of his existence whatsoever and, honestly, I've never been happier.

My last few days in school, as well as my weekend, have been worry free while I focus on more important things.

The idiot was nothing more than an unbearable distraction. He was someone who did nothing but fuck with my head. It's better that we aren't speaking.

It's better this way.

Even when walking down the halls with the possibility that he could be lingering around any corner, he hasn't crossed my mind even once and it's brought me the most peace I've ever felt.

But, can the universe ever be at peace with me being at peace?

I'm going to say the answer is a hard no.

Why do I say that?

Because in homeroom this morning, while I was trying to enjoy my new sense of peace, I got a summons from my teacher that requested my presence in the main office during my lunch period.

Not only do I have no clue what the fuck I did this time, but Anderson wants to use my lunch to talk about it?

Peace equals ruined.

After gym, we were in the locker room when I let Nayah know where I'd be during lunch and she offered to come so we can walk to the cafeteria together afterwards.

Depending on what I did, I think she might be waiting in the office for quite some time before we can walk to the cafeteria, but I didn't tell her that.

Instead, we walk into the office with our elbows linked and are greeted by none other than Mrs. Dickson herself.

"Hey girls." She smiles, kindly.

"Good to see you again." Nayah responds, politely.

I, on the other hand, smile knowingly with a tip of my head before locking eyes with the woman behind the desk.

Her brow raises. "Here to see Mr. Anderson?"

My nose scrunches briefly to accompany my cheeky smile as I hand her my summons slip.

She sighs before reaching over to pick up the familiar, plastic phone.

"You're gonna be the death of that man, Alejandra." She sighs and I have to conceal the small smirk tugging at my lips.

Wouldn't that be something.

While she waits to let Anderson know that his favorite student is here, my attention is drawn to a body sitting and waiting in the far, left corner.

There are only four chairs that students can wait in to see either the guidance counselor or Anderson, the corner of the room being the perfect place to put chairs to let us reflect.

But my heart starts to race when I realize that the body waiting alone in one of the chairs is that of the boy I've spent six days trying desperately to erase from my mind.

Remember when I said that I've never been happier due to the lack of his presence?

Well, that may have to do with the fact that I've also not been present in psych for the past six days.

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