05 || death wish

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song : Afraid - The Neighbourhood


Walking back inside and down the hallway, I feel my stomach rumble.

It's still sixth period. Lunch here I come.

I turn to head to the cafeteria where the noise hits you before you even open the door to enter.

Once I get inside, I search around to look for Nayah knowing she's still here. Well, she should be anyways.

Spotting that new kid to my left, sure enough, I see Nayah seated with him, her back to the door.

I approach them and remove her bag from her left to take the seat that she, no doubtably, saved for me.

"What's for lunch?" I ask, eyeing the trays in front of them. When I look back up to glance at both of them, they look completely alarmed.

My brows furrow as I look back and forth between the two, shocked faces.


"The fuck happened to your face?" Ziek asks, leaning in to get a better look from the other side of the table.

Before I can answer, Nayah grabs my chin and pulls my face towards her to closely inspect the cut. Then, using the same grip on my chin, she turns my head so I'm looking at her straight in the eyes.

I can tell that she's more than pissed.

This won't be good.

"Hey." I smile, trying to ease the tension.

It doesn't work.

"What. did. you. do?" She demands slowly, word by word, with her hands still gripping my face and her tone serious.

"Well, remember when you said I have a death wish?"

She doesn't respond. Not even a nod.

"You might've been onto something."

She stares at me. Her angry mother stare. The one her mom gives her if she does poorly on an exam or gives me when I get in trouble in school.

Her mom is the only mother like figure I've had since I lost mine. Even so, Nayah's mom is scary, and she passed that scariness onto her daughter.

She lets go of my chin and proceeds to gather her things to leave the table, not sparing me a glance.

I look over to wide-eyed Ziek. We make eye contact and through a confused shrug, it's clear that he has no idea what's going on. But by the look on Nayah's face, he knows not to get involved.

Once she gets her things, she stands up and looks at me, expectantly.

"Well, let's go." She ushers. 

"And where is it that we're going?"

"To clean up that nasty fucking cut." She spits. She doesn't usually swear so, I know she's mad.

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