07 || green

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song : Reflections - The Neighbourhood

~ Alejandra ~

Today, I am not the raging, psycho bitch that I've been for the past six years.

I'm not the girl who talks back or gives dirty looks to people who look at me the wrong way because who the fuck are you looking at like that?


Today, I am.. nice.


Today, I've been smiling at people who look at me and swallow down when I feel a smart ass remark crawling up from the back of my throat.

I fucking hate it.

During P.E and lunch, Nayah was weirded out by me as if she didn't tell me to be nice. Even Ziek looked at me like I had five heads and he's only known me for two weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's nice to, you know, bring kindness to the world and all that shit, but it's just not for me.

I'm not a kind hearted lover of daisies and delight like my best friend.

I'm a cold hearted lover of booze and bitchiness.

It's just who I am.

The only reason I've even been putting on this little act is to play into Nayah's theory that maybe- just maybe- the world will be kind if you're kind back.

So far, she's been partially right.

There are people that smile back and those that walk away when I don't say something to make them stick around and keep running their mouths.

But those are regular people.

They aren't the one person that she told me to actually try being nice to.

See, I've been playing out her theory to see if it worked but since I didn't exactly anticipate it working, I didn't think I'd make it to the point where I'd actually have to be nice to Gabriel.

But, the time has come to switch from seventh period to eighth, and I'm going to do this.

We get five minutes in between each bell so, with two minutes left, I peak into the room and find him at our desk with his focus on his notebook.

I instantly pop my head back so it's out of the class's view.

I can't do this.

"Excuse me."

A voice from behind me breaks me from my mini crisis and I rush to the side of the door.

"I'm sorry."

My apology has me turning to one of the seniors in class with me.

I forget his name. All I know about him is that he's some type of Asian mixed with maybe some type of Hispanic.

He has beautiful thick, brown hair with nicely thinned brows and a nice face structure. I have to crane my neck a little to make my observations since he's almost a half of a foot taller than me.

His physique is a little on the lanky side but he makes it look good with baggy jeans and graphic tee's.

It reminds me of my own style.

He gives me a smile, revealing a smiley piercing and making me want one for myself.

As he gets past the entrance to the class, he turns back to me.

"You coming in?"

Realizing he's talking to me, I feel a sudden rush of nerves. I chuckle awkwardly before walking in, stopping again once I clear the door.

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