29|| all wrong

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song : Bored - Billie Eilish
tw : mentions of rape, PTSD & panick attacks                         

~ Alejandra ~

Most people consider talents to be singing, dancing, being able to balance a spoon on their nose or pull a coin out of someone else's.

Me? I have a special talent for getting in trouble and not remembering what I did wrong in the first place.

Today is the last day of classes before Christmas break and somehow, I'm being summoned to the office fresh out of homeroom.

Usually, I'd be planning my lineup of jokes to keep the punishment minimal or text my boss that I'd be an hour late to work, but my entire walk up the stairs to the office, I'm really just wondering what the fuck I did.

Really, I haven't been properly functioning for like two weeks, what the fuck did I do?

I mean, yes I do shit on my own time, but nothing of the school's concern. Plus, nothing I do is illegal.

Just stupid.

My self reflection reaches its end once I enter the office, greeted by the ever so lovely Mrs. Dickson.

"What'd you do?" She immediately asks me.

Approaching the desk, I smile at her and sigh. "This time, I have absolutely no idea."

She returns a sigh before the phone starts to ring. I can't tell if it's Anderson but my desire to snoop is dulled by a distracting presence behind me.

When I turn around, I'm met with a silent Gabirel sitting in one of the three chairs by the wall. Before I decide to talk myself out of it, I go and sit down in the empty chair next to him.

Another one of my special talents? Being a fucking moron.

We sit in our usual silence while Mrs. Dickson talks on the phone.

I'm focused on the language she's using to see who she's talking to, and also to avoid sitting in silence next to this tattooed devil. That is until he disrupts my concentration.

"What'd you do this time?" He boredly asks.

His words surprise me. Not the accusation of them but the fact that he's speaking to me at all.

The last time we talked was three days ago in a short lived texting conversation where we agreed to hating each other.

What that means for us or why it means that he can suddenly talk to me again?

I'm not sure.

I only look at him, confused at his allegation. "Why does everyone always think I did something, what if I'm completely innocent?"

He lets out an unamused breath through his nose. "You're far from innocent."

My brows furrow, a sensation close to insecurity passing through me.

Just something about that statement makes me feel.. wrong.

"You ever wonder why?" I ask, turning my head so I don't look at him. Even so, now I can see him watching me from the corner of my eye.

"I don't really care." He dismisses.

Oh okay, then why say anything?

I roll my eyes, choosing to internally curse at this rude mother fucker instead of doing it openly in the office where I'm already in trouble for God only knows what.

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