02|| welcome

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song : Welcome to the Hell Zone - Bobby Raps
~ Alejandra ~

"Good morning class and welcome to the new year."

Ms. Dunn begins the class with her melancholy tone.

She's a middle aged, thin, white woman with dirty, blonde hair that's been cut into a bob who I've only ever really spoken to a few times.

She seems nice enough, but I'm not sure if she can teach. This is my first year having her in a class.

"Now, I'll save you all the trouble of yet another 'new school year' speech."

I absentmindedly nod in appreciation of this statement.

"So instead," she begins as she gets up from her desk. "I'll ask how many of you did the summer work?"

The room stays silent.

Heads shift for a moment to look around the room, all of us trying to identify anyone who did the work.

To no one's surprise, not one hand is up.

Ms. Dunn shakes her head in disappointment, yet her face shows no indication of surprise.

"Busy summers?" She asks, her voice hinting unamused sarcasm. Some students chuckle at her snide remark.

"Well, seeing as this is a junior and senior class, I expected better." She pauses to examine the room, the displeasure on her face as clear as day.

She makes a point. It was only ten questions. I kind of just forgot about it over the break.

I begin to ponder on what I was doing over the summer until she speaks again, her voice pulling me from my thoughts.

"However," she continues after the moment of silence. "You will all get a chance to receive a grade if you hand it in no later than Friday. No exceptions. Everyone got that?"

"Yes." Responds the class in unison.

"Alright then, so let's get started."

And off we go.

We start by going over the key concepts that we'll be learning throughout the year while I, as per usual, took out my notebook and pen, beginning to create the illusion of note taking.

In reality, I'm just doodling.

What can I say? I don't like math.

Not only simple sketches and little faces occupy the pages of my notebooks, but also notes about everything other than class.

I have this habit of writing down everything that I think regardless of where I am. It keeps my mind occupied until the bell rings. I mean, it's not like we actually began the lesson.

                                 •        •        •       

My next three classes went about the same way with English, History and Creative Writing. I really only took creative for fun.

By the time 5th period rolled around, I was surprisingly happy. I don't care for PE in any sense but, I knew that I'd see Nayah.

Our gym is about the size of a regular high school gym and since our school isn't exceptionally huge or pristine, it's much of what you'd expect.

The shine of the wooden floors polished the week before classes catches my eye as I enter through the grey doors by the corner of the room.

Looking up, I recognize the red and black banners made by students, our school name and mascot drawn on them.

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