37|| ugly truths

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Song : Blame's on me - Alexander Stewart
tw : domestic violence, guns

~ Gabriel ~

Dedication gets you a lot of places.

In my life, it's gotten me through a series of murders, years of abuse, jail and into the graces of the Colombian Cartel.

However, in the past four months, my dedication has strayed to getting me through hours of stupid parties, a whole bottle of liquor in one night and now banging on someone's front door.

That front door belonging to the girl that all of my dedication has been for.

Now, how I found this door? That's a story for another time with a whole new level of dedication to it.

All that I really care about now is that I'm here, pounding on the door with side of my clenched fist so I know it'll be heard through the thick metal.

It doesn't take long before I hear the undoing of locks and the door opens to reveal Alejandra behind it.

"Gabriel, what the fuck?"

Her voice is hushed and her eyes are wide, surprised at my presence with something close to fear filling them as well.

"I need to talk to you." I state.

Her head shakes frantically.

"No, I can't do this with you right now. Please just go."

If I wasn't so caught up on the fact that this is the most she's spoken to me in what feels like an eternity, I'd have found the plea as well as the fear trickling into her tone off putting.

"Alé, give me five minutes. Please." I plead, looking at her as she checked inside the apartment that she's hiding with the door.

"Fine! Fine, I'll speak to you, but only if you leave right-"

"Who the fuck's that?"

Her eyes close as if she's internally cursing herself before the brown, metal door opens wider to reveal a man behind her in the apartment.

He's tall, about my height, with stubble all on his chin and greasy, grayish waves atop his head.

His clothes look unwashed and it's apparent he hasn't showered, not from the condition of him physically but from the scent of booze leaking out of his pores.

I blink once, then twice, waiting for either of them to give me some insight on what the fuck is going on.

I look at Alé, her body barely turning to speak to him, never letting their eyes meet.

"No one. Just a wrong door." She mutters out the lie.

My brows furrow.

Who the fuck is this guy?

"Look me in my fuckin' eyes when you lie to me. At least show me that much goddamn respect." He spits getting right next to her ear and her neck strains with tension that she keeps off her face.

"Who the fuck are you?" He turns to me in question.

I meet his brown, dilated eyes fixated on me, silently demanding my answer.

"Gabriel." I tell him.

His head tips in a moment of silence, chaos brewing behind his eyes before he opens the door wider.

"Well come on in, kid." He says, suddenly seeming friendly.

My eyes flick back to Alejandra, still standing in front of him.

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