08 || unfortunate coincidences

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Song: Dazed & Confused - Ruel

~ Alejandra ~

I never understood fate.

That thing people say has the undeniable power to bring them where they need to be and with whom. My lack of understanding could also be from the fact that I never really believed in it.

Whenever my parents talked about how fate was the way of the world and it's what brought them to one another, I typically just nodded yes.

As a kid, sure, I believed in it. It's healthy for kids to believe in that stuff.

The magic and wondrous, hidden secrets to the universe. Those types of things give kids hope that they could be the ones to experience that magic or unlock those secrets.

I know for a fact that my mother believed in fate, but for her, it was different. Her belief in it wasn't the same way that parents pretend to believe in things like the tooth fairy or Santa Clause.

Anyone who looked at her could see in her eyes, whenever the topic of fate came up in any way, there was a glimmer there that showed the magic she still believed in.

Her heart was always one that was filled with wonder and hope for all the things that could explain the unexplainable.

My father, on the other hand, was raised as a strict Catholic.

He never believed in any power other than God, and didn't appreciate my mother's lack of belief in that one power.

Regardless, whenever my mom would babble on about the wonders of fate and how it brought them to one another, he'd let her go on and on because he saw that same glimmer in her eyes.

Nevertheless, after she died and I got older, I grew the hell up.

I know better now than to believe in the universal magic, and since fate isn't something that I've known to exist, I merely explain the unexplainable with one word.


There's nothing magical about people meeting each other, it's just how life works. There are billions of people in this world so, of course, we're gonna cross paths with some of them.

Even so, we aren't meant to keep every person we cross paths with. That's why they move or they change or, in my case, they die. It's just the natural way of life.

After her death, I refused to believe in shit like fate because there's no sense of magic that would bring people together just to tear them apart. That's not magical.

It's cruel.

So, I'm just waiting for this coincidence to run its course and be done with. Yet, of all the coincidences in my life, this kid has to be the strangest one.

I mean, Gabriel and I don't so much as like each other, to say the least, but I say something about his eyes and he then invites me to hangout on a rooftop with him?

Strange is an understatement.

Even when I got home after he left me on the roof, I was just thinking about the things he said.

Any piece of information can be used against you, even something as small as a color.

I thought he was kidding or playing hard ball, but when I looked at him, I could tell he meant it. I just don't know why.

Gabriel isn't the type to withhold information due to fear, but other than fear, I don't know what his reasons could've been.

I don't know what game he's playing or why he brought me there; why he barely spoke or why he ended up giving me the information that he was so adamant on keeping from me.

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