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(I skipped an episode "Ninja Ball Run" because I just don't find it interesting all u need to know is we got the bounty back)

"Lloyd? Lloyd! Concentrate!" Kai yelled as Lloyd just looks at him.

"Now that the Bounty is in our possession again, we can train you more effectively. But you'll have to focus. One more time." Zane tried pumping him up again

"Oh, but we've been training all day." Lloyd whined

"It's all to get you ready to face your father. Now, in position. Y/n observe and tell Lloyd what he can do better." Cole instructed

I nodded watching Lloyd sigh as he comes up to the middle of the deck. The ninja put their hoods on and Lloyd yawns before posing as they did.

"Whatever." Lloyd mumbled as Kai charges at Lloyd first, but he punches him, knocking him back and yawns again. Zane and Jay soon come at him from the air.

"Ninja, go!" Lloyd says bored with no energy knocking them both down.

As Lloyd lands, Cole comes up him from behind and slide kicks him, knocking him into the air. Lloyd lands facedown as the others take off their hoods, in concern.

"Lloyd when I was observing you just don't seem in it today what's going on?" I reply helping him to his feet

"Well...The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comix and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday." Lloyd explained freaking out

"The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." Kai replied while I watched Lloyd sink in place

"Kai this isn't what he needs to hear." I whisper to his ear

"This is exactly what he needs to hear. You baby him too much Y/n." Kai shot back

"Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train." Lloyd goes to the railing and sees the Bounty is almost out of Jamanakai Village.

I was going to go over to him but Nya came up from below deck "Guys, there's been a break-in at the Ninjago City Museum of History and the security cameras picked up you-know-who." Nya panicked

"Garmadon!" Cole shouted

"We have to stop him before he uses the Mega Weapon to start another one of the dilogicbal plots." Jay asserted

Lloyd comes up to us, hoping to come, but we all give him a look, causing him to sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay here and train." Lloyd ranted angrily

"Mhm." We all say in unison, causing Lloyd to fold his arms in disappointment. After all the ninja got in the Ultra Sonic Raider I snuck off to Lloyd

"Hey I promise while I'm down there I'll get your comic book." Lloyd jumped up and down in glee to me quickly stopping him

"Hey this is our little secret okay?" He nodded reassuringly

I waved before joining the ninja in the Ultra Sonic Raider


We reach the museum at nightfall. Jay tosses a rope down as we soon climb down to a nearby window and open it before heading in we come up to a railing before I shush them pulling them down.

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