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Once you talked to Olivia and you were honest about your feelings things seemed to be better. Alex visited a few times over dinner and you tried to be nicer. You were still unsure if you wanted to include her but it was nice to see Olivia happy.

The three of you sat in the living room talking and reminiscing about the old days. Alex sat on one side of the couch while Olivia sat on the other side with her back to the corner of the sofa holding you in her lap. At first, you were embarrassed to let Alex see Olivia take control however you'd be lying if you said Olivia's lap wasn't your favorite seat. Besides maybe her face of course.
The two talked about the squad and what Casey was up to now. You just learned that Olivia and Alex were the ones to show Casey the way of this world and that they often called her in as their third. The two chuckled thinking about how nervous the redhead was at first.

"I have a question," you announced gaining their attention. "Okay." they both answered. "So when you two were together you played the role of a pet?" you asked the blonde. She smiled shrugging her shoulders. "Ah well, it depended on my mood. Some days I was more than happy to be her pet while other days I fought against it in hopes of being in charge," she answered.
Olivia laughed pulling you into her as she tickled your sides. "Kinda like you. Apparently, I have a thing for brats." she teased causing you to giggle.
Alex chuckled "Once we brought Casey in it was easier for me to share the master role with Olivia. Casey needed a double dose of authority."
"Oh, and it was a sight to see," Olivia adds. "Alex was very good at being in charge." she chuckled.
"I bet." you giggled.
"Would you like to see?" Alex asked. Your eyes went wide as you stared at her with a blank expression.
"You what?" she asked moving closer to you. "You've never thought about what it would be like to have to answer to me and Olivia?" she asked moving closer to you.
"Well... I...umm." you stuttered trying to get your words out.
She nods her head smiling at you. Moving closer she hovers above you with her lips inches away from yours.
"I bet you're a good little girl aren't you?"
"Mhmm hmm," you muttered nodding your head.
She smiles nodding her head as well moving closer and closer to your lips. You can feel her breath on your face and her lips just barely touching yours. You lean in slowly tilting your head just enough for her to kiss you waiting to feel her lips against yours. She chuckles "How'd I do?" she asked pulling back to sit in her seat.
You breathe heavily as you open your eyes to see her grinning. "What?" you asked in confusion.
"Well, Olivia it seems she likes me after all," she smirks causing you to duck your head hiding your blush. Olivia chuckles placing a kiss on your cheek. "Seems that way."
"Well it's been nice but I'm afraid it's time for me to go. I have an early meeting," she announced rising from her seat. Olivia follows suit lifting you off her lap to stand.
"Alright. Well, we will see you later?" Olivia asked.
"Most definitely." Alex smiles kissing Olivia's cheek. Looking down at you she smiles leaning down to kiss your cheek softly. "Goodnight Y/n."
"Goodnight Alex," you whispered.
The blonde chuckles moving towards the door as Olivia follows to lock up.

Returning to the living room Olivia wraps her arms around you kissing your cheek. "You ready for bed baby?" she asked. You shake your head no. "Okay? Is something wrong?" she asked. You turn in her arms to face her shaking your head no again. Olivia looks at you confused until the lightbulb goes off. "Are you turned on?" she asked. You smiled nodding your head as you back away slowly towards the bedroom. Olivia smirks following you never breaking eye contact. "You want me to fix it?" she asked. You nod your head as your back collides with the bedroom door. "Answer me," she growls.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes ma'am."

She smiles tugging your body to hers as she roughly kisses your lips. You moaned into the kiss wrapping your arms around her neck. She growls grabbing each of your legs lifting you up to carry you into the bedroom. Closing the door behind her she turns slamming you against the door. "Are you wet baby?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Did Alex make you wet?"
"Yes ma'am."
The brunette grins walking you over to the bed and dropping you down on your back. Climbing on top she hovers above you using one hand to unbutton your shirt as the other holds her up.
"If she asked would you have let her fuck you?" she asked.
"Yes." you moaned.
"Would you have been a good girl for her?"
"Yes ma'am."
Olivia smiled resting on her knees so she could take off your shirt and your bra. Leaning down she takes a nipple into her mouth sucking it roughly. You cried out arching your back into her.
Taking your nipple in between her teeth she bites down tugging the hard bud. You whimpered throwing your head back against the pillows. Olivia rises once more to take off your shorts and panties along with her clothes as well. Throwing them aside she opens your legs wide chuckling.
She looks up at you with a grin. "You're so wet, baby girl."
You whimpered nodding your head.
"I bet Alex would have loved to see the mess she made." The brunette teases while gently stroking your inner thighs.
"You were so well behaved tonight baby. You made me proud."
"Thank you," you whispered earning a grin.
"Always so sweet for me. I think I should reward you." 
You moaned loudly as her tongue dips into your folds dragging along your lips and edges. She moans at the taste of you wrapping her arms around your legs as she dives in.
You moaned loudly biting your lip to try to hold back the noise. Olivia growls and moans as she eats you out.
Pulling back slightly she looks up at you. "It's okay baby this is a reward remember. I want you to be as loud as you can be for me and tangle those beautiful hands in my hair as I eat your pussy. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes ma'am."

She smiled returning her head in between your thighs causing your back to arch off the bed as she thrust her tongue inside of you.
"Liv!" you cried out lacing your fingers in her hair tugging at the roots. She chuckles as she continues to fuck you with her tongue. Moving her hand upwards her thumb finds your clit circling it slowly.
"Fuck! Ah. Liv." you chanted thrusting your hips against her mouth.
A few more circles and a couple of thrusts and she has you coming on her tongue. She continues her assault until your body erupts once more. Your body drops back on the bed your chest rapidly rises and falls as you try to catch your breath.
Olivia takes her time gently cleaning you up with her tongue leaving one last kiss on your clit causing you to jerk. She chuckles as she settles beside you on the bed pulling the covers over you both. Your eyes remain closed as your body clams down. Olivia gently strokes your stomach with her hand while she watches you. Finally, you open your eyes looking up to meet hers.
She smiles "You okay baby?" You smiled nodding your head "Yes."  She smiles leaning down to kiss you.
"I'm happy you seem to like Alex now," she says.
"It's not hard to find her attractive."
"Right but you seemed to be feeling better about it tonight than you did a few nights ago," she adds.
"Yeah, I guess. I mean don't get me wrong Alex is sexy and I wouldn't mind us having sex with her I'm just not sure about her being a part of our relationship."
"Yeah, I can understand that. Either way, thank you for being nice to her."
"She makes it easy. She's smart, beautiful, and kind. I can see why you fell for her."
"Yes she is all of those things but she's also my friend and I'm okay with keeping it that way until you say otherwise," she says.
You smiled kissing her softly "Thank you, Liv."
"No need to thank me, baby. You're the most important person to me. I'd do anything for you." she says kissing you again before the two of you settle in bed. 

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