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After that night Alex coming over became a regular thing. Of course, you were still not sure about her being a part of your relationship but a little kiss here and there couldn't hurt. Alex was a beautiful woman and her talented tongue made it a lot harder for you to say no.

Alex had a way with words and a way of making you feel like you were the most important person in the room. It was clear to see how Olivia could have fallen for the woman. Tonight was nothing new Alex spoke clearly and elegantly about her new mission. Her words dripped with sophistication and passion. Each word causes more and more liquid to drip down your thighs. Olivia watches you out of the corner of her eye knowing that you were about to burst at the seams. She carefully places her hand on your knee hiding underneath the table squeezing gently. You smiled but kept your focus on Alex. Every so often Olivia's finger danced higher and higher up your thigh underneath your dress. The higher she went the more your breathing increased. She grins keeping her eyes glued to Alex as she speaks.

Olivia's fingers danced on the edge of your panties causing you to gasp out loud. Alex pauses looking over at you. Your face burning crimson. The blonde chuckles "Am I missing something?"
Olivia smiles "It would seem that you have quite the effect on my pet."
"Is that so?" the blonde asked with a grin.
Olivia nods "Yes. She seems to be dripping."
"Huh. Mind if I take a look?" she asked looking between you and Olivia.
Olivia smiles looking over at you. "Pet?"
You look at her with a smile nodding your head. 
Alex chuckles "Well maybe we should move somewhere more comfortable?"
Olivia nods grabbing your hand to lead you to the bedroom as Alex follows behind you.

Once the three of you are in the room Olivia turns to you.
"Are you sure?"
She smiled. "Will you be a good girl for us tonight?"
"Yes ma'am."
Olivia chuckles "What's the safe word baby?"
"Good girl." she praises.
"How do you want her Alex?" she asked looking back at the blonde.
"Hmm. I think she's going to need extra help staying still tonight."
"So what do you have in mind?"
"You sit with your back to the headboard and she can sit in front of you."
"You heard her pet! Move."

You nod your head waiting for Olivia to settle against the bed before you take your seat in between her legs. Alex looks over you biting her lip as she crawls onto the bed.
"Strip her," she orders.
Olivia does as she asked removing your dress and helping you lift your hips to remove your panties. Once you were bare you laid back against Olivia.
The brunette looks down at you with a smile.
Before Alex can begin Olivia holds her hand up halting her advances. The blonde nods sitting back on her feet. Olivia looks down at you with a warm smile gently lifting your chin for your eyes to meet.
"We're equals, first and foremost. Whatever happens in here is out of love and even if you feel you have no power all you have to do is say the word. You say the word and it all stops.  Always." she whispered.
You looked back at her with a smile as you nod your head. She smiled leaning down to give you a gentle kiss.
"Say it once more for Alex love."
You smiled looking at the blonde "Apple."
Her smile widens as she nods her head "Apple." she repeats.

Taking a deep breath you looked back up at Olivia.
"Are you ready pet?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am."
"Be a good girl for her."
"Always ma'am."

Alex smiles as your gaze returns to hers. Slowly she spreads your legs open looking at your dripping cunt. Blue eyes gaze back up to look at yours. "I want you to look at me. Watch me. Never take your eyes off me. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good girl."
She hums leaning down to take a slow long lick up your folds. You gasped quietly trying your best to keep your eyes on her. She chuckles "I don't want you to hold back. I like to hear how I make you feel. Just keep those pretty eyes on me."
You breathed deeply nodding your head.
"Words pet," Olivia growls in your ear.
"Yes ma'am," you whispered keeping your eyes on Alex.
She smiled lowering her head back down between your thighs. Gentle kisses are placed along your inner thighs and the edge of your cunt. She hums and moans as your scent grows with every kiss. Her fingers slowly pull apart your swollen folds.
She gasped "Awe Liv she is practically dripping." she grins looking up at Olivia. The two share a smile as Alex looks at your face which is now turning pink.
"Oh don't be embarrassed pet. It's a compliment," she says lowering her head back down as hers stay locked on yours. She slowly extends her tongue taking a long lick up your folds and then swirling around your clit. You moaned your eyes closing momentarily.
"Ah huh," Alex called out from between your thighs.
"Eyes on me."
"Sorry," you whispered.
"It's okay." she smiled returning to her task.

She slowly but firmly eats you out every so often looking up to make sure your eyes were on her. She moaned and hummed against your dripping folds wrapping her arms under your legs as she increased her movements.
You gasped begging your eyes to stay open as she pleased you. You knew Alex had a way with words and it was clear that her talents with her mouth didn't stop there. Olivia sits back watching her as well squeezing her thighs against your body. Alex wraps her lips around your clit sucking it in.

"Ohh." you moaned your hips bucking upwards. She continued her assault holding your hips down with her arms as she ate you out.  The pleasure became too much as your head falls back against Olivia your eyes close. Alex looks up pulling back slightly.
"Liv," she calls out to the brunette gaining her attention. They lock eyes and Olivia nods as she grabs your face forcing you to look down at Alex.
"Eyes open pet," she growled.
You whined nodding your head as Alex continued.
"You taste so good. Don't you want to watch me enjoy my meal?" the blonde asked with a smirk.
"Yess." you moaned.
Olivia growls as her hand circles around your throat applying pressure.
"Yes, what?"
"'am." you stuttered.

Looking down you see the long blonde hair that tickles the inside of your thighs with every move. Her warm tongue slid up and down your folds, circling and sucking your clit. That long wonderful tongue slips its way into your opening sending your hips upwards.
"Fuck. Alex! Mhmm. Al...Alex."
"Mhmm." she moans deeply between your thighs.
The vibrations send your body into overdrive as your fingers lace in between those blonde locks pulling tightly.
"Fuck. Alex! Yess! God yes!" you chanted never taking your eyes off the blonde.

Olivia applies more pressure to your throat causing your body to set fire. Blue eyes gaze up at you sending you a wink as you explode on her tongue. Your mouth hangs open as you scream and chant her name. Eyes locked onto hers as she sucks every last drop.

Your body slumps against Olivia who is quick to wrap her arms around you. She whispered sweet words in your ear as Alex cleans you up with her tongue. Once she's finished she makes her way up your body with a grin.

"How was that pet?" she asked.
"Amazing. Thank you." you smiled gasping for air.
She smiled leaning in to give you a small kiss. "No thanks needed."
She looks up at Olivia with a smile. "No wonder you've kept her all to yourself. She's divine."
Olivia hums kissing the side of your head. "That she is."
The two share a moment as you snuggle deep into Olivia's arms.
"Someone's tired," she says looking down at you.
Olivia nods " She needs rest. Come on baby. Let's get you comfortable." she whispered moving from behind you.
Your body was spent so it took both women to get you under the covers and snuggled up.
"Was I a good girl?" you asked your voice heavy with sleep.
Olivia nods her head with a smile. "A very good girl. Get some rest sweetheart."

Olivia's POV:

Once I got you into bed I closed the door behind me softly. Walking into the living room I joined Alex on the couch.
"She's really something Liv. You're lucky." the blonde says.
I nod my head with a smile "Yeah I am."
The blonde smiles.
It's quiet for a moment neither one of us knowing what to say next. It's been so long since either one of us was in a situation like this.
"I..umm I really missed you, Al." I Stuttered.
"I missed you too," she whispered.

I know I shouldn't. I know it's wrong but I can't help it. It's been so long since I've been able to have her this way. So long since I've been able to enjoy her smile, her laughter, her perfume. Leaning in closer I slowly move in to kiss her. She doesn't pull away as I expect in fact she leans in with me until our lips are dancing against each other. I moan into the kiss pulling her closer to me. She hums wrapping her arms around my neck as my tongue explores her mouth. After a while air becomes necessary as we pull apart from each other breathing heavily. Alex rests her forehead against mine. Taking a chance I look up into her dark blue eyes.
She sighs "What are we going to do?"
I know what she's asking and why she's asking. Which only makes the guilt in my stomach rise further into my throat. Shaking my head I sighed "I don't know."

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