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It's been two days since you gave Olivia the okay. Two days since you and Delana talked. Although you put on the fake smile well Delana could see right through it. No surprise there. But what was a surprise was that Olivia didn't notice. Typically the brunette could read you like a book. You rarely got away with anything because of it. However, it seems that right now you're getting along just fine with this act.

Only two days and already the act was exhausting. You wanted to make her happy and this was the way to do it. Olivia was thrilled when you agreed to add Alex to the mix. She called right after your talk explaining to the blonde the next steps. So far nothing has happened due to everyone's work schedules but you knew eventually that wouldn't be an issue.

In every part of your life right now you had to fake it. Home, your job, your friends, with Olivia. Everywhere expect in your office. The four white walls and oak door allowed you a sense of privacy from the outside world making it easier to drop your guard. That was until today. You sighed dropping your head to the desk in search of some peace and silence but it was short-lived as the speaker next to you came to life.
"Principal y/n. You have a visitor." Amy's said her voice carrying throughout the office.
You sighed once more taking a deep breath before you answered.
"Thank you, Amy. Send them in."

A knock on the door singled your visitor. Preparing yourself you sat up straight rolling your shoulders back as you put on that smile.
"Come in."

Out of all the people that could have walked through that door you never expected to see Alex Cabot. The blonde smiles as she walks in closing the door behind her.
"So you're a principal?" she asked.
"Assistant principal," you said with a smile.
She nods looking around the office.

The two of you stare at each other for a moment not knowing what to say. Finally, you composed yourself.
"What can I do for you?" you asked.
The blonde smiles taking a seat in front of the desk.
"I'm sorry to bother you at work but I had a free lunch hour and I wanted to speak with you if that's alright. "

"Of course."

"Umm. I...I wanted to apologize for what happened between Liv and me. It was completely out of line and I don't know what came over me."

"Yes. Well, Olivia and I spoke about that. She apologized as well. We've moved on. I'm sure she told you."

"Yeah, she called me. She said that the three of us would be taking the next step."

You gave her a tight smile as you nod your head.

"I wanted to know if this was actually something you wanted. I mean you're okay with this right?"

"You think Olivia would make this decision without me?"

"No, I'm not saying that. I just know how it is to be in love with her. It makes you want to do things for her. Things you may not want to do."

"You think I didn't enjoy myself with you the other night?"

She blushed "No I'd say you did. As did I."

You smiled as your cheeks turned a shade of pink.

Alex sighed "I just want to make sure that you're actually okay with this. I don't want you to do this if it's not what you want. And I wanted to let you know that if it's not I will back off. From you and Olivia. I don't want to cause anyone pain. And unfortunately, I already started off on the wrong foot."

"It was just a kiss."

"You and I both know it wasn't just a kiss. It was more than that."


"Meaning that kiss unlocked 20 years of memories and love. And although it would kill me to walk away from her I'll do it if that's what you want."


"Because I know what it's like to lose the person you love and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And I wouldn't want to be the cause of it."

You sighed looking out the window. How could Alex be so nice about this? How could she give up Olivia for me?

The blonde interrupted your thoughts. "I'm sorry that I put you in this position. But before this starts I need to know that you're okay."

"I'm fine." you smiled.
"You mean that?" she asked.
"Okay. Well, again I am sorry. Olivia said that we would make up some rules and talk. I think that's a good idea. She also said that we would have a dating process which I'm completely okay with."

"Good." you smiled.
The blonde smiled nodding her head as she got up to leave.
"Alex," you called out stopping her leave.
"Are you in love with her?"
"Do you think we're capable of being in love with more than one person?"

The blonde sighed moving back to the chair.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because as much as I know Olivia loves me I've seen how she looks at you. She loves you. She loves us both."

"Do you think we could grow to love each other?"

She chuckled " I think you'll be surprised just how much you and I have in common. Besides the love, we share for her. If I'm being honest I've been attracted to you since the beginning."

"Me too." you smiled.
She smiles back nodding her head. "I'll see you soon."
"See you soon," you said watching her leave.

You sighed deeply as she left dripping your head back down to its position on the desk.
Maybe you could love Alex? Maybe after it's all said and done it will work out? You weren't sure. All you knew for sure was that Olivia loved Alex, Alex loved Olivia and you loved Olivia.
"This is fucked." you whispered to yourself.

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