Godric/read: smut saved

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   This was a request form my thumblr so enjoy.

      You missed him. You missed him so much it hurt. But you would be reunited with your love, your mate. Godric.

It was sundown and both you and Eric had tracked and followed the trails that the fellowship had left. They had taken your Godric but you would take him back, no matter what.

"How would you like to do this princess?" Eric asked, you both stood in the shadow of the trees. You could feel Godric power form your spot under the tree.

"Go in take Godric back" you state simply your eyes never leaving the buildings

"And the people?" He asked, looking at me with a raised brow. I knew Godric wouldn't want blood shed but I was not against it.

"Take out the ones who attack only" you state looking up at his bright blue eyes.

"Don't get yourself killed" you sass before speeding off to your love. You had followed his scent all the way to the bottom in a dark room. You opened the door but hissed at the sting of the mentel on your skin.

"Careful little one" you heard his voice before you saw him, your Godric stood on the other side of the now open mentel door.

"Godric!" You smile happily reaching for him, your arms going around his neck and your face in his neck.

"I'm here little one, I'm alright" he says calmly his arms wrapping around you making your body mold to his. You kiss his mate mark an feel him shudder at your touch.

"I was so worried about you" you state looking up at him. His hand strokes your face softly.

"I'm sorry my heart" he strokes your face an you hear and feel Eric come closer to where you both stood.

"Down here my childe" he says an before you blink Eric is standing in front of you.

"Are you hurt Godric?" He asked, looking between you both.

"We are both okay, the sun will be up soon let's head back" you state looking at the sky. Godric never took his hands off you the whole time holding you close.

————-time skip———

"I'll see you later Eric, Godric and me are going to ground" you say walking into the big door at the end of the hall that was yours and Godric shared room. While Godric handled his few things I striped down an was about to put my gown on when I felt cool hands on my hips.

"Don't bother, I'll just be ripping it off" he speaks softly, he pulls your hips molding your back to his front. You could feel how hard he was for you.

"Is that right?" You spin around so you're face to face. Your nails play with the back of his hair.

"I have missed you" he says before he pulls your head to his kissing you roughly pulling a moan form you. You pull him closer as he starts to pull off his shirt.

"I want you inside of me" you moan in his ear then you bite the lobe making him groan. His hand goes around your throat and he pins you to the wall.

"You need to earn that" he grins at you as he unbuttons his pants. You lick your lips, always ready to taste him. You drop to your knees and look up at him as you pull his cock free. You look up at him as you kitten lick the tip.

"Don't tease '' he groans, you smirk and suck his head into my mouth moaning at the taste of him on my tounge. I turn off the need to breathe and take him fully down my throat making him moan my name. I slip my hand between my legs and moan at how wet I am. I rub my clit as I suck him off feeling so empty without his cock inside me. With a groan of my name his hot cum fills my mouth and I pull off with a pop and swallow what I was given.

"I love the way you taste" I grin as he helps me up.

"I need to be deep in you now my love" he growls his eyes gone black with lust. You lean forward and kiss him deeply and bite his lip making him moan and grab you. You both ended up on the bed with him on top of you, your legs wrapped around his body holding him close.

"Fuck me! Hard" you moan as he grinds his hips into your center

"Your soaked dove, you want my cock?" He grins down at you his hand around your throat an the other holding his cock to your hole.

"Yes! Please Godric!" You whine when he barely pushed in slowly he watched as he filled you up.

"I love the way you look when you take my cock" he groans bottoming out he holds still just enjoying the feeling of being in you.

"So good! Please!" You beg, you reach for him and moan as he starts to thrust deeply into you. Your nails leave marks in his back. Godric bites and sucks your neck. You felt blood be drown an moaned as he fucked an feed form you making you clench tightly.

"So close!" You moan your back arching as he rubs your clit pushing you over the edge Godric follows you. You pant and cling to him just enjoying feeling his body on yours

"Sleep my love" he says softly as the sun rises dragging us to our death sleep.

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