Marco One Piece: I love you

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Hey everyone! Here is a small update I know it's not on one of my main books but I just watched marineford an I had marco feels. I will update my other works soon tho.

So did everyone have a good thanksgiving?

As always requests are open

   I knew the moment he came back alone things were different, things had changed and not in a good way. Marco looked so very tired and heartbroken an that told me everything....Ace was gone. Killed by the navy I felt tears come to my eyes when I saw him.

"We need to talk yoi" he said his voice sounded rough. I was scared to ask what he wanted to talk about. I knew Ace was dead but I had a feeling there was more an I was not going to like it. Marco sat at the end of my bed an I leaned on my desk.

"What's going on?" I ask not liking this one bit

"(Y/N) we lost more than Ace '' he said, his voice cracking. At the end I could see the tears garther in his eyes an I felt my heart sink.

"Who?" I asked my voice bearly Audible

"Pops" he says, his eyes closing an tears falling down his face. I felt the wind leave my lungs an my world start to spin. My father whitebeard was gone. The man who took me in when I was no more then a child when my island was destroyed. I had been apart of his crew for so meny years that man truly was my father and he was now gone.

"I-" but nothing would come out and my voice was stuck in my throat. I could feel the tears rolling down my face.

"Hey! Breath yoi" he says, coming over to me I could feel his hand on my chest an his body close to mine. Slowly I was able to see marco standing in front of me

"I didn't get to say goodbye" I finally breath out my body shaking with sobs I latch onto him my face going in his neck. I could feel Marcos arms go around me holding me to him. For years marco had been my best friend, I was so greatful I still had him I knew if I lost marco I would never make it.

"I know, but pops wanted you hear he had a bad feeling about this war an you were still healing yoi" he said, stroking my back I felt myself start to calm down a bit my body still shaking a bit.

"I should have been there! Maybe I could of done something! Maybe Ace and Pops would still be here!" I cry out feeling like my world was being ripped away.

"Stop it yoi!"  Marco shouts I was pulled away from him an he grabbed my face making me look at him in the eyes.

"We lost Ace and pops! Do you really think I would survive if I lost the women I love! I am bearly holding it toaghter (Y/N) don't make me think of losing you to!" He shouts making my eyes widen and I could feel my heart pounding for a whole other reason.

"You love me?" I ask my voice low an cracking with each word I spoke.

"Yeah Yoi" was all he said before his lips where on mine. I felt my stomach flip and my body heat up. I responded to the kiss right away. After a while we pulled back for air and he leaned his forehead on mine.

"I love you to" I say softly

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