Alucard Smut Request: Possessive

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This was a request form my Tumblr 

   Alcared was many things, but he was not the type to share or play nice with others. That is how I found myself now trying to get him to back down from killing the poor man who was not aware I was already happily taken.

"You dare put your filthy hands on what belongs to me?" Alucard all but growled out I felt myself become wet I loved when he got like it. Alucard was a dominant person but when he got like this it did something for me.

"Now Alucard let the poor man go" I poured while molding my body to his side I felt Alucard pull me closer before looking down at me.

"He needs to learn his place" Alucard growled out flashing his fangs in a snarl making me shiver with want.

"I'm sure he learned his place, How about we work on putting your anger to better use?" I said rubbing up on him trying to spare the poor man I'm sure our master would not be pleased if Alucard killed some guy for just flirting with me. Sure he did not take no for an answer but still any other time I would not mind but our master has been even more stressed and on edge and I did not want Alucard to get in trouble for this.

"Hn, What did you have in mind my mate?" Alucard growled as the man finally found the will to run as far and as fast as his legs would carry him. I found it quite funny to see.

"How about you take your anger out on me? Maybe fuck me till I can't walk? Angry sex is my favorite you know that" I grinned up at him

"Oh so you ditch me for this fucking bitch? What does she got that I don't?" I heard a high pitched female voice wail out. I looked over to the voice and seen a tall slender female with big boobs and blood red hair.

"Who the fuck are you?" I growled out I saw Alucard grin from behind me as I took a protective stance in front of my mate I would not let a whiny bitch take my place.

"Sweetheart I have no clue who you are but he was all over me" she said eyeing Alucard like a four course meal making me growl and bear my fangs in worring. She bared her's as well.

"Oh, so you are the tart he was getting info out of? Huh I thought it was wired he was talking to someone like you, you are not his type at all" I said relaxing a bit I could feel her power and it was nowhere as strong as mine. I may be new to being a vampire but with my human training and having Alucard's blood in me I was far more powerful than a normal wannabe vampire.

"Who are you calling a tart!" the redheaded vampire yelled in rage, Behind me Alucard was leaning on the wall watching the show I could tell he was turned on and if things got into a fight he would not step in until I had won.

That was the way of the vampire, proving you were a strong and worthly mate.

"That would be you, Now run along you have you chance of beating me in a fight" I growled my fangs still on show I would not back down until she was gone.

Before I could even blink she rushed me and grabbed me by the throat she hissed in my face. I could feel her claws start to grow and dig into my throat playfully.

"You would do well not to take me lightly! I am much older than you little girl" She growled out her grip on my throat getting tighter with each word she spoke.

"Please, your grip is nothing compared to

" I said not bothered at all by the hand on my throat I grabbed her arm and snapped it in two I grabbed the part of her hand dangling from my neck and threw it out of my way.

"YOU BITCH!" the woman hollered while holding the rest of her arm I was not to worried about it if she was a real vampire she would be able to heal herself.

"Please, if it hurts so bad than heal yourself and stop making so much noise" I growled out before rushing her pinning her to the ground my hand around her throat I saw the panic on her face and my hand kept getting tighter.

"What's wrong? You was all talk a little bit ago" I said giving her a cocky smirk. "Nothing to say? To bad now i'm bored" I growled popping her head her brains and skull exploding.

"Well done my mate" I heard him say in approval I grinned back at him I was high on blood lust and horny as fuck. I wanted him and I wanted him now. I watched him walk up to me til we were chest to chest when he grab the back of my head and pulled my face to his before he opened his mouth and his long tongue licked off the blood that had gotten onto my face,

"I want you" I growled as he started to lick down to my neck before nipping at it playfully. When I opened my eyes I found I was back in the basement at hellsing.

"Do you know how sexy you are when you are killing? Do you know how hard it is to control myself when you are covered in someone else's blood?" With each word he spoke parts of my clothes were removed by his claws.

"Yes, I feel the same when I watch you" I moaned out when his mouth met my neck I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him closer to me. I wanted no space between us i could feel him long and hard in his pants and when he pulled back he was only in his pants and boots.

I looked into his blood red eyes before our lips met in a clash of tongue and teeth. I was backed up to the wall my bear back meeting cold brick. Making me inhale sharply at the feeling. Alucard picked me up making my legs wrap around his waist and he ground his covered cock into my core making me moan into the kiss.

"Please, I have waited long enough, normally I love foreplay but right now I want to feel you deep inside of me" I panted out looking into his eyes I felt the room shift and I was laid down on something soft and found I was laying on a bed.

"As you wish my love" He said as he made our clothes fashions and we were now both naked with him laying ontop of me. My legs were wrapped around him and he started to slowly push into me.

"Everytime I enter you it's so fucking tight" he growled out as he bottomed out he took a moment to collect himself before he started to move slowly at first. Even though he started slow I was already a moaning and panting mess.

"Please fuck me harder" I moaned while grabbing his ass making him grind into me harder making me tighten around him.

"Fuck!" He growled before thrusting into me harder and faster I ran my nails down his back holding me closer to me there was no room between our bodies we were so close. I tightened my legs around him and used my straight to flip us over so I was now on top.

I looked down at him before I rolled my hips down on him taking him deeper than before, my head was thrown back and I was to the point of being so loud that i'm sure everyone could hear me and I really didn't give a fuck. All that mattered to me was Alucard and me and him making me cum.

"Fuck! Yes" I moaned loudly as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down harder on his cock making him go even deeper he was so far inside of me and it felt amazing. I was flipped over onto my back with Alucard pounding into me I was so close to coming.

"I want to feel you cum on me, milk my cock of everything it has" Alucard growled in my ear before he bit into my neck in the same spot where he turned me and marked me as his mate sending me over the edge in a blinding orgsma taking him with me. I was so lost in my pleasure I did not realize I was leaving bloody marks on his back or that I had bitten him as well drinking his blood. Finally I was able to see and have control of my body again and I looked up into his eyes to see his face bloody like mine was.

"YOu have no Idea how sexy you are when you cum, makes me want to take you again" he said before thrusting into me I knew he was still hard he could go all night and day if we could. I had no clue had more of a opiate for sex him or me.

"Don't tease me" I growled before pulling me down for a kiss.

I'm sure there was things to be done but all that mattered right then was him and me making love until we were both satisfied. 

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