Eric Northman Smut

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Hello! Hope you enjoy this. 
Has been read over but might still be mistakes

As always requests are open

"You're in very big trouble my little kitten" I heard Eric say from the doorway of my house, I knew I would be once he had found out what I had done. I went behind his back and almost gotten myself killed, again.

"Now before you start Eric let me explain," I said, pushing my red hair into a bun at the top of my head. Eric was easily 6'3 and I was only 5'4 and he looked pissed off.

"Yes, Explain to me why you not only disobeyed me but also put yourself in danger and almost got yourself killed" with each word he spoke he walked into the room. I have seen Eric mad but he has never been this mad at me before, and it was all my fault.

"I was the only one who could get in and out, I did not plan to get caught or hurt. Eric they were going to kill you" I said standing up on my feet from my spot on the window seat. I loved to watch the full moon at night.

"That is not a good enough reason, I have lived over 1,000 years, who cares if I die! Your life means so much more to me than my own" Eric said the vein in his neck bulging out. I knew he was very pissed and the way he yelled at me only made me feel worse. Why could he not see that I had to save him? That without him by my side I had no reason to go on.
The reason he is so pissed is that I ended up going behind his back and getting myself caught and almost killed. The past month vampires have been going missing and we found out that it was the witches who were taking them and using their blood for their dark magic. What he didn't know was that they put a spell on me and I knew that once he found out I would never hear the end of this.
"I fucking care! But we have something more pressing to worry about" I said, starting to pace the room. I knew he would start to worry. I was normally the calm one, the one who did not break under pressure.
"What?" By this time he was standing in front of me I felt him grab onto me making me stop my pacing even as he grabbed and made me face him I could feel how tense he was. I knew that he was close to snapping.
"They cast a spell on me, in order for me not to die a very painful death you have to feed on me while you cum inside of me" I said hating that I was putting him through this Eric was many things but he hated the thought of feeding on me he didn't want to hurt me by taking too much blood. I was told more than once that my blood was like a drug one drop and it was over they could not stop themselves.
"No! I will not take that chance" Eric said starting to pace my room. I had no doubt that he would give in; he was just being hard headed. In the end, Eric would not let me die.
"I could alway turn you," he said coming to a stop and looking at me with hopeful eyes
"No, it has to be this way if you try to turn me while the spell is still set I will die," I said remembering all the things the bitch had told me about this fucked up little spell she made.
"I won't risk it" he said sitting down on the end of the bed form my spot at the window I could see every dip and ever tensed muscle in his body.
"You won't hurt me, but if we don't do this then I'm going to die," I said standing between the open space between his legs. I felt him pull me closer and started to run his hands up my thigh. I knew he was going to give in.
"You will have to find a way to stop me if I take too much blood," he said before he moved back and was looking me straight in the eye.
"I won't need too," I said before putting my hands on his face I knew he was worried about going too far but I knew he would stop in time. I felt him put his hand on the back of my neck and pull my face down to his. Our lips met and just like that all of our worry's went out the window.
Eric pulled my legs and made me sit in his lap even though we just started I could already feel a bulge growing in his pants and started to rock my hips down on him. The sound of Eric groning made me smirk on the inside. I loved that I could make him forget about his trouble and problems. I loved that he could get lost in me and I could get lost in him.
"I guess now is as good a time as any to punish you for getting yourself in this mess" I wanted to cry at his words. I was hoping that he would let this slide and forget about this.
"Eric, Please just fuck me make me pay later when I'm not at risk of death," I said pulling his top off running my hands all over his chest and abs. Eric was without a doubt the sexiest man I have ever seen. Sometimes I found it hard to believe that someone like him could love someone like me.
"You won't be getting off that easy my love," he said before I knew it I was on my back naked with a smirking Eric on top of me. I hated it when he used his vampire speed like this; it always threw me off.
"That is not fair!" I said wrapping my legs around him I felt his lips on my neck as he started to kiss down my body.
Eric was without a doubt a sex god he knew just how to touch me to get me going with only a few touches. I felt him part my legs and then his body weight shifted down the bed and I felt his warm breath on my dripping pussy. I had hoped he would get straight to the point but I guess he had other plans.
"I haven't even touched you yet and you are already dripping," he said before licking up my slit making my head spin and my heart race. I loved these times with him when we had no worries and we got lost in each other.
"Always, Eric please don't make me wait" I Begged while grabbing onto his hair as he went back to licking and sucking on me. I was super close to cumming.
My vision went white and my head was thrown back as my body tensed and let go as a strong orgasm tore through me. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Eric's grinning face.
"Are you ready?" he asked while lining himself up with my opening. I nodded my head and waited for him to plunge into me. Eric loved to tease me and that showed even now.
"Please, I need you" I was so breathless by the time he pushed into me and set a hard and fast pace. My legs were holding him tightly to me making him go in even deeper than before. Eric hit a spot inside of me making me see stairs and my nails dug into his back. I was close to cumming and so was Eric I could tell by the way his hips were jerking.
"Fuck! Yes, Eric like that" I moaned out grabbing onto him trying to meet him thrust for thrust. But it was becoming even harder with how close I was to cumming.
"You feel so fucking good" he growled out while kissing my neck I felt the scrape of his fangs on my neck and knew that he was fixing to cum and so was I.
"Do it, Bite me, Drink from me" I moaned out I heard him growl before a blind hot pleasure shot through from my neck and ended in my core pushing me over the edge.
I started to feel light headed and knew that Eric was taking too much of my blood but he was not stopping. I had drunk his blood before so I'm sure he could feel that he was taking too much. But I had no way of stopping him.
"Eric, Stop you are talking too much," I said trying to push him away but he was too strong. The sound of him growling and drinking from me were the only sounds filling up the room. Before I could even try harder to get him to stop my vision was starting to go and I knew I would be blacking out soon if he didn't stop,
Before I fully blacked out I felt his body tense and he let go of my neck before biting into his arm and trying to get me to drink his blood. I was too weak to even open my mouth and I couldn't hold my eyes open.
"Come on, love you have to drink," he said, my blood dripping down his face and neck. I felt him pry open my mouth and his warm blood enter my mouth and start to heal my blood loss. The strength started to return to my body and I was able to open my eyes and started to push his arm away from me.
"I told you, I knew you would stop before it was too late," I said, giving him a small sleepy smile. I was very tired after all of that and being Cursed takes a lot out of you. I was just happy that he was able to stop in time.
"I almost couldn't stop, Your blood is like nothing I have ever tasted before," he said while getting up and going to clean himself up and getting me a wet rag so I could clean myself up as well.
"You just need to take small sips to build up your tolerance to my blood so if you have to drink from me again we won't have to worry about you drain me," I said as he crawled into the bed and laid on his back I rolled over putting my head on his chest.
"Maybe we will talk more about it later, for now, you need to rest," he said, pulling me closer into him. I closed my eyes and gave into sleep.

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