Sebastian Request, Angry at reader for almost dieing and sexy smut

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"(F/N) watch over our master" Sebastian ordered me while he went to take care of the threat to our home. I was a Neko demon making me part cat and I could change my size and what type of cat I wanted to change into. I was the only type of cat Sebastian could have because Ceil was not allergic to me.

"Why do you get all the fun?" I growled out from my spot beside Ceil I could tell he was losing his patience.

"Just do it, later I will give you cream" my eyes lit up at that thought I loved cream, I wonder if he would warm it up for me?

"Fine, but next time I get to play," I said keeping a close eye on ceil as Sebastian went to fight.

Sebastian was in the middle of fighting the strong demon, I felt there was more closing in on us and I knew Sebastian could not step in and save up so I did it myself and took out all the low-level demons.

I must have missed one because I just had enough time to block the knife from hitting Ceil right in the chest. I normally heal with wounds but for some reason I this was not healing. I felt my world spin and my breath come out in short bursts. I could hear voices but I had no clue what they were saying or even who they were.

"You can not die (F/N) that an order!" I was finally able to get my hearing back and somehow ended up on the ground. I could feel strong arms holding me and my head was on someone's lap. My eyes blinked a couple of times before I could fully see right and found I was looking up at the angry eyes of Sebastian his human colored eyes bled away to his demon fuish eyes. and I knew that I was in a lot of trouble.

"What happened?" I asked my voice coming out cracked and hoarse

"You almost died silly girl" I heard Ceil say I could hear the worry in his voice but he also sounded relieved that I was alive and talking.

"Oh, Well that sucks" Was the smart thing that came out of my mouth I slowly sat up the whole time Sebastian kept his eyes on me and never said a word. His eyes changed back to normal but I knew he was pissed and I would hear about this when me and him were alone.

"Indeed" Sebastian finally said as I was standing back on my feet the bright sunny sky gave way tonight and I had a feeling I was unctuousness for a long time.

"Go to our room while I put Master to bed," Sebastian said his voice giving none of his anger away but I knew I would have hell to pay once Ceil was in bed.

Thinking I might be able to sway him on his anger I changed into my black kitten form and waited for him in the room like he asked of me. I normally got what I wanted this way.

"Don't think that just because you are a very cute kitten I will forget everything" I heard Sebastian's cold tone of voice and knew I was in big trouble. Normally this form got me out of all kinds of trouble.

"Change back" he growled out as he locked the door and started to undress down to his pants.

"I'm sorry you told me to protect Ceil and that's what I was doing. How was I to know it was a demon killing blade?" I asked sitting up on the bed naked now that I was back in my normal form. My clothes did not follow me in my forms.

"That you did, I did not tell you to almost die through" with each word he came closer to me his demonic energy getting stronger making me start to sweat I was a half strong demon but Sebastian was my master and his will was stronger than mine.

"No, you didn't" my voice no louder than a whisper I looked down and beard my neck showing my submission. I was by no means normally submissives but for times like these, it was good to be able to change roles.

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