Bronn/Reader: swim (Smut)

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andom:Game of thones


I hope this is good I know i said it would be posted yesrday but i was super tried so here it is. I am thinking of doing something like this with Sandor.


    You sigh and groan at the heat of the midday sun. Bronn and you were in the middle of nowhere going who knows where. Bronn was a few years older than you but you made quite the pair. You both were dangerous.

"It's too hot!" You groan and plop down under a tree and remove one of your tops. Bronn looks down at you, his eyes going right to your heaving chest.

"Ya know it's not right to tease a man" he smirks down at you leaning against a tree and grabbing the water.

"Oh please it's not like you haven't seen me in a top before" you grin and stand up he watches your every move. You and Bronn had been best friends for years and have always been flirty but nothing ever came of it, even if you wanted it so badly.

"Let's get on the move" he groans and stands back up. You sigh and stand up and follow beside him. You don't know how long you both walked for but by the time you got to the side of the mountain you were tired. You grin and look at bronn when you hear the roaring sound of water.

"You hear that?" You ask with a big smile and head for the water Bronn right behind you. Going deeper into the cave you found fresh flowing water and what looked like a small lake with a waterfall.

"See, told you I wasn't lost I knew we would find water" he grins and walks to the edge you roll your eyes and start to strip.

"Seven hells! Do you think you're doing! Get dressed before I have to kill someone!" He growls his eyes never leaving your body

"Or you could get naked with me and cool off" you grin and step into the cool water making you moan softly as the feeling. Once you got to over your breasts you stop and turn to him and watch to see what he would do.

"If I get in that water with you, you're mine" he says bluntly you watch him as he removes his shirt, his leather pants riding low on his hips and you licked your lips.

"Let's see if you can back that up" you grin and just like that he gets into the water and makes his way over to you his hands going to your hips and he pulls you flush to him. One of his hands wrapping in your hair and he pulls your head to his lips crashing in a burning hot kiss.

He bites your lips and you moan your hands holding to him tightly while his other hand grabs a handful of your ass.

"I don't even know how many times I have gotten off on the thoughts of you" he says into your neck and you whine at his touch. He has barely touched yet and you were already soaked.

"I want you" you moan your body rubbing his and you reach under the water and grab his hard cock and he groans as you stroke him.

"Shit!" He groans and you kiss and nip his neck and chest.

"Your cock is bigger then I imagined it" you nip his ear lobe and you swipe the tip and his hips buck.

"Let's get out of this water" he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you on the bank with him. He sets you down on your laid out clothes. You put your hand on his chest and turn him so he's the one sitting down.

"I want your cock in my mouth" you say, grabbing his long hard cock and giving him a few pumps. He groans and his head falls back from your touch.

"Whatever the lady wants" he teases you, you lean down and lick from balls to tip before swirling your tongue around the tip. You look up at him and take him down your throat. And moan at the taste. His hand going into your hair. You suck hard and pull off with a pop. You grab his spit covered cock and stroke him.

"You know I have thought about sucking your cock so memy times" you say before taking him back down your throat and sucking hard. He groans and thrusts his hips, you moan and relax your throat. Bronn fucks your throat he grunts and cums down your throat making you moan as he fills your mouth. You pull off and sallow what he gives you with a smirk on your swollen lips. He looks at you breathing heavily. He grabs your throat and kisses you deeply making you moan. His other hand grabs your breasts and he groans at the feeling of them. You watch as he drops to his knees his mouth latching onto a nipple making you cry out he sucks and bites leaving a dark mark behind.

"Get your ass down here" you laugh lightly as he pulls you down onto him and before you know it you're on your back,Bronn leaning over you he felt so good between your legs. You moan and thrust your hips up and moan when his cock rubs your soaked cunt.

"Please Bronn" you beg as your cunt throbs you hear him chuckle and you whine.

"I don't see what the rush is my lady" he grins his hand going to your cunt and you both groan.

"I wanna feel you deep inside of me!" You beg and your hips thrusts up, he grins and pins your hips down. He bites your hip bone and you gasp.

"I'll fuck you when I'm ready" he grins and licks through your folds you moan loudly your hands going into his hair.

"Fuck!" You moan your head falling back as bronn ate you out like a man starved. You grind your hips up moaning and crying out as you get closer to the edge. Bronn nips your clit and shoves his finger in you and you're shoved over the edge. You cum hard your body shaking as he licks and sucks what you give him. He kisses up your body to your neck and bites and starts to rub your clit slowly dipping his fingers in your cunt making you moan.

"Your so tight wrapped around my finger, so wet and hot" he groans, pulling his hand away before smacking your cunt making you cry out. He did it three more times before rubbing your clit.

"Fuck me, good and hard, leave marks all over me" you grin up at him he grabs your throat and grabs his cock and rubs it through your folds making you buck and whine.

"Your soaked for me love" he groans his cock head at your entrance. You bite your lip and whine at the feeling. Bronn thrust foaerd and goes balls deep making you cry out an latch onto him tightly.

"Fuck! So fucking good!" You moan as he pounds into you he fucks you into the cave floor the sound of skin slaping skin echos through the cave along with your heavy breathing and moan of pleasure.

"You fit so tight!" He groans with a hard thrust making you cry out and cling to him. Your nails leave little marks behind.

"So good, bronn please" you moan feeling the rush you were close and so was he. Bronn pounded into you hard and fast never losing his thurst as he rubs your clit and you are shoved over the edge taking him with you his hot cum covering your walls. Bronn lays his head on your shoulder catching his breath.

"I think you broke me" you grin your body numb in the best of ways. You hear him chuckle and kiss your shoulder.

"Ay, rest love" he says, your eyes feeling too heavy to hold open and you drift to sleep in his arms. 

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