Law/reader: Good Girl

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Fandom;One Piece


Pairning: Law/Reader

Honstly this is just pure filth there is very little plot. please be gentle I havent done any anime based fics in a long time. but as always my requests are open.


You knew you were pushing your luck. He had even wournd you that morning. But you wanted him to lose his steel tight control for once. You loved law you always have ever since you were kids. But sometimes he just needed to let loose and have some fun. You giggle to yourself as you step out of the shower and dried off putting on his oversized hoodie and noting else.

You knew he was in the lab so you head to the other side of the sub. Law was well known for working way too hard. You open the door and find him looking at a book he looks up when he hears the door open. I

"It's late, you should be sleeping" he says his voice low a gruff form not being used.

"You know I can't sleep unless you're next to me, besides I'm not even tired" you grin and step till you're behind him and you wrap your arms around him and kiss his neck lightly.

"I can't sleep now I have too much work to do" he grumbles and you sigh softly and you turn his chair till he is facing you and you straddle him, his hands going to your hips, his hold firm.

"Oh no, you are done for the night" you smirk and lift up the hoodie you had on exposing your nakedness underneath.

"Now how am I gonna get work done now" he smirks his hold dragging you on his clothed crotch making you moan and he groans.

"I have waited long enough" you tell him before you kiss him deeply, making you moan and your hips rock back and forth.

"Have you been a good girl?" He asks his voice low and rough, the sound making your body tingle. You bite your lip knowing what he was asking and knowing that you broke his rule but you were ready for this.

"I may have broken a rule" you grin your hips moving on their own at the thoughts that have been running through your mind. His one hand holds your hips still and his other goes around your throat, his Grey eyes warm but hard.

"Tell me" he growls, his tone makes you shiver. You knew what you was in for and you couldn't wait.

"I got myself off without" you tell him the smack to your ass makes you jump and moan, making him chuckle.

"Such a bad girl, I think you should make it up to me" he smirks, you bite your lip he brings his fingers to your mouth and you let your lip go. Law brings his thumb to your mouth and you moan as you suck on his finger. You pull off with a loud pop.

"I can feel how hard you are" you moan and rock your hips on his lap. He groans and makes you grind down harder.

"If there is something you want kitten, you'll have to earn it" he smirks, making you grin and you slide off his lap onto the floor in front of him. You look up at him and reach to undo his pants letting his hard cock free. You loved to suck his cock as much as he loved watching you suck him off.

"I have been thinking about this all day" you grin as you grab his cock stroking him a few times before licking his balls to tip making him groan and he grabs your head.

"Fuck don't tease me" he groans as you suck him down deeper moaning at at his taste. You suck him deep down your throat gagging a bit. You didnt mind tho you loved gaging on his hard cock. He groans and holds your head still and fucks your face "fuck baby! You suck my cock so well" he groans and you moan your cunt throbing at his words at the tone of his voice. You knew he was close by the way his breathing had changed Laws whole body tensed and with a low groan his cum fills up your mouth and thorat and you happly sollow everything he had to give you pulling off with a pop you look up at him.

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