Euron greyjoy/reader 😈

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     You stood in the middle of the cabin on the ship, looking around you to see all the things you had gathered over the years sailing the 14 seas.  Euron and You were the best of friends growing up together  and when he left so did you. You had been by his side from the very start. And at some point along the way you had fallen in love with your best friend and you thought at one point he had felt the same but after what happened in that pub you knew otherwise. You felt the tears sting your eyes but you wouldn't let them fall even if your heart was broken. After changing into your sleep clothes you walk over to the bed only for your door to open making you sigh.

"I'm going to bed, what do you want?" you ask, never looking over at him instead keeping your eyes on the bed you were getting ready to get into. You heard his heavy foot falls and finally looked at him when he touched your arm.

"Why did you run off? We were just fixing to have some fun" he grins stroking your arm softly making your stomach warm and your heart ache a little bit more.

"I just needed to rest, '' you say softly, stepping back from him to pour yourself a drink.

"What are you hiding? I know you dove you're a shit liar" he smirks, you snort and softly shake your head with a sigh.

"Just drop it, Okay? It doesn't matter" you say sadly filling up your cup and drinking it in one go, Euron raised a brow at you and started your way and again you try to keep space only for him to growl and grab your hips holding you in place your bodys not touching but where his hands where felt hot.

"Not a chance in seven hells baby, now tell me what's wrong" he states grabbing your chin making you look at him, biting your lip you try to think of any and everything you could to get out of this spot you were now in.

"I couldn't do it" you say softly, you're eyes glossing over with what you knew would finally be the tears you kept fighting back.

"Couldn't what?" he growls, starting to feel irritated at your lack of response.

"You and that woman, I couldn't sit there and watch as you let her paw at you! Damn it Euron I have had feelings for you for years now! And at one point I thought you felt the same but fine I get it" you snapped anger rushing out in a hot wave you were hurt but you were also very much pissed off. Without warning he smashes his lips on yours, catching you off Guard. his hands winding  in your hair as he pulls you flush to his body and you could feel how hard he was. With a nip to your lip he pulls back with a smirk on his lips.

"You're really sexy when you're jealous" he smirks, you glare at him.

"I'm just so fucking glad you find this amusing! How would you feel? If I let some guy run his hands over my body?" You sass, before you could Blink his hand was around your throat and his normal cocky smirk was gone he pulled you to where your nose touched.

"You are mine! No one else gets to touch you but me" he snarls, imagines start flowing in his head of you with someone else.

"Big talk for someone who hasn't proven I'm there's" you sas, his hand around your throat tightened up just a tad bit. He growls and kisses you deeply. Your arms go to his shoulders and pull him closer, a moan sliping past your lips when he nips your lip and trails bites and kisses down your neck.

"I know a better use for your mouth" he smirks rubbing his thumb on your lower lip before you suck it into your mouth making him groan.

"Is that what you want? You want to see me on my knees with your cock in my throat?" You ask, you nip his finger. 

"Fuck yeah I do" he grins, you give him a smirk and drop to your knees an undo his pants. Once they are open you grab his hard cock moaning at how he felt in your hand.

"Just so you know I have no gag reflex" you smirk and then take him fully down your throat not easing into it at all.

"Ah fuck! Seven hells baby" he moans his hand grabbing the back of your head. You look up at him an contract my throat around him and then slowly pull off sucking deeply. Before long Euron starts to fuck your throat holding your head in place. He was close to cumming and you were soaking wet. Your cunt throbbing with need, with a groan of your name he cums down your Throat making you moan at his taste you pull off and swallow what he gave you.

"Not gonna lie I have thought about blowing you so many times" you grin, he looks down at you while catching his breath.

"You naughty little hell cat" he grins, he helps you off the floor and strips you naked. You move to where your naked body was molded to his and the skin on skin contact makes you moan. Your arms going around his neck and his hands going to your ass.

"Fuck me, I want you to fuck me so good I can't walk after" you moan into his ear an bite his neck leaving him a mark. His hands grab handfuls of your ass and lifts up. your legs wrapping around his waist.

"I can feel how wet you are. You're gonna be a good girl for me and sit on my face" he says, bringing you to the bed and letting you go with a bounce. He smirks as he kicks off his pants and takes off his shirt. Euron was lean and defined his tattoos glowing from the candle on his sun kissed skin. He gets on his back and watches as you straddle his head. His hands on your thighs and ass cheeks bringing you down on his face making you cry out your head falling back at the feeling.

Euron ate you out like a man starved and you was his first real meal in a long time. The moans and groans he made while he ate your cunt had your head spinning.

"Oh! So good! So much better than I ever could think of" you moan and ride his face. He thrusts his tongue up into you making you moan and grind down making him smack your ass. When he bites your clit hard enough it shoots a short burst of pain and pleasure and it pushes you over the edge with a scream of his name. You cum hard falling forward and breathing heavily. Euron gets out from under you.

"You have the best tasting cunt kitten" he smirks as you roll on your back and he gets in between your parted thighs. You moan as his cock rubs your wet core, you whine at the throb and the empty feeling.

"Please! Fill me up with your cock! Make me your dirty little slut" you beg, he groans at your words and pushes the head of his cock in making you moan and reach for his shoulders.

"Be a good girl an scarm my name so everyone knows who you belong to" he growls his hips snapping fowered hard and fast his cock deep inside you making you cry out at being so full.

"Fuck! You're so tight and wet" he groans his hips snapping back and forth at a hard and fast past. You cling to him, your nails digging into his back making him snarl.

"Fuck! Just like that! Don't stop!" You beg meeting his thrusts.

"My girl! My little slut" he groans as he pounds into you. He reaches down and rubs your clit and you fall over the edge and you come screaming his name. With a grunt of your name his spills his cum in you making you moan at the feeling. He leans his forehead on yours and kisses you deeply before rolling on to his back  and pulling you into him.

"That was better than anything I could come up with" you grin up at him he smirks down at you.

"Oh don't think we're done, you can still talk and move, by the time I'm fully done you will beg me for a break" he says his hold on you tighting you smirk up at him an straddle him.

"Well let's get started" you smirk down at him his hands going to your hips.

Euron kept his promise fucking you and making you cum till you where begging to just sleep.

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