Victor Creed Smut

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    Victor Creed was pissed and the more he watched the more pissed he got. He kept his eyes on his lover as she danced and grinded on the other people on the dance floor there hands all over her. He couldn't take anymore as a random guy grabbed her around the hips and pulled her into there chest. The last thing she heard was his angry snarl before the guy was knocked out on the dance floor.

"Huh? Vic?" she grins as she's picks up his scent she had no clue when he had gotten back but she was very happy he was. She had missed her mate dearly and she only went out to get out of the house and have a little fun instead of moping around the house.

"You have been a very bad girl kitten" He growls grabbing her throat and his thumb rubbing her pulse making her purr like the kitten she was.

"I missed you so much!" She purrs grinning at him

"Let's go" he growls as she rubs her body against his they both leave Victor keeping an eye out on everyone around him. He knew she wanted him, could feel it through there bond. But he was also pissed at her and that other male. How dear she go off and dance with another male while he was gone. He growls as all kinds of thoughts come into his head. He growls lowly and grabs her and runs to there house. He drops her at the front door and slams the door open shoving her side and then grabs her by the throat.

"Your in big trouble kitten" he growls barely holding back his anger she purrs and bears her throat and molds her body to his.

"Can I make it up to you daddy?" She purrs running her claws on his chest

"Suck me kitten" he growls running his clawed fingers over her lips she smirks and hits her names

"Strip first" He growls she nods her heads and starts to strip till she will fully naked for him he could smell how wet she was. He would make her work for it though it was either or raining the town in ever males blood who smelled of her.

He groans when he first felt her kitten lick him, her rough cat tongue feeling like heaven to him. He looks down at her and growls when she pulls back. He snarls when she finally takes him fully into her mouth all the way down her throat making his toes curl. He was in haven he had missed her mouth and her tight wet pussy.

"Fuck kitten! That's it suck my cock" he snarls and thurts even deeper his balls hitting her chin he knew he wouldn't last long. He knew he wouldn't last long not with how she was sucking him and not with how long it had been. He growls and goes deep and unloads in her mouth he watches as she cleans him and pulls off with a pop.

Victor watches as she kisses up his body and he hisses as she bites into his neck leaving a mark he grabs her throat and kisses her hard and deep his fangs ripping through her bottom lip and both her mouth feeling with her blood. They both growl at the taste and there more animal side comes out to play.

Victor picks her up making her wrap her legs around his waist and thrusts into her hard and deep. She screams out finally getting what she wanted the whole time he has been gone.

"Fuck Victor! So good More daddy please" she begs needed to be fucked hard. To be dominated by her mate. He snarls and her back slams into the wall as he pounds into her his teeth in her neck the whole time the taste of her blood egging him on to go deeper and be more rougher.

"Your cunt feel so good wrapped around me" he snarls so close to cumming

"I'm so close Vic please" she moans her claws leaving bloody marks in his back

She screams as she cums her body feeling light and free Victor is not far behind her and he roars as he cums and pants he licks up his mark and nuzzles into her.

"Welcome home" she breaths before her world goes black

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