Eric Smut 2

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This was a request on my tumblr.

Warnings for this chapter; Choking, manhandling, dirty talk, orgashm deninl 

I knew tonight was gonna be long and rough, I knew it right away when Eric stormed through my front door like he owned the place. I could tell right away that he was pissed and I would be getting the brunt end of it.

"Un-fucking-believable!" Eric yells once again while passing the spot in front of my fireplace I was sure he was going to leave a rute in my floor.

"Eric baby calm down" I said standing up and walking over to him. Eric watched ever step I took, until I was standing in front of him.

"We're you not listing? How can do you expect me to calm down" Eric growled out his eyes turning darker by the minuet making me feel a hot coil start in my lower stomach. I loved when Eric got like this.

"Yes, but I think if you take a breath and try and fix this form a different point it would be better" I said walking up the rest of the way to him. I could feel the anger coming off him in waves.

Eric took a deep unnecessary breath and I watched as his eyes become even darker than before. I knew he could smell how wet I was for him.

"Uph, I'm going to kill him slowly and painfully, how dear they paw at you. And don't think for a second I'm letting this go! You failed to me this happened! " he growed we were now chest to chest.

"I didn't tell you because I knew how you would react! Just like you are now! Eric I love you! But my God some time you drive me up the fucking wall! " I yell throwing up my arms I was starting to lose my cool.

So what a guy was pawing at me and flirting with me. It didn't matter!

My eyes widened when Eric reached out and grabbed my throat in a somewhat restricting hold. I was not worried I knew he would not hurt me. Eric pulled me into his body roughly the whole time growling.

"I have ever fucking right to act this way when my

let's another man fucking touch her!" Eric all but growled out his body shaking with the force of his anger. I loved when he got this way. I loved it when he would take total control of me.

"Maybe I should remind you who you belong to" he growled before crashing our mouths together eirc was rough sometimes but most times he wasn't. I felt him let my throat go an I was able to breathe freely again.

"Strip" he said while ripping his shirt off I was mesmerized with watching his muscles flix as he moved.

"Let's go up stairs" I said my voice coming out rough and husky. I was all for having rough animalistic sex with him but I at least wanted to be on a bed.

"I won't tell you again" he said taking slow steps towards me. I had no clue how much control it was taking him not to throw me down an fuck me how he wanted.

I slipped off my gown an stood naked before him choosing not to wear panties that night. I heard him growl before he was on me.

Eric's hands and mouth was all over me making it hard to keep up. I was lost in the feelings he was giving me. I threw my head back and moaned out my eyes closing as he used his blunt teeth to bite into my neck. When I opened my eyes I was laying on our bed with a very pissed and aroused vampire.

"By the time I'm done with you, you won't forget who you belong to" he said huskily while kissing down my body leaving little bites as he goes driving me crazy. Once he got down between my legs he did not waste any time teasing me he dove right in. Eric was amazing at eating pussy and knew just what to do to make me cum hard.

"Fuck!" I moaned out while grabbing fist fulls of his hair and pulling him closer to my body. The whole time he was making very happy sounds like he was really enjoying what he was doing. I was so close to cumming when Eric pulled away before I could making me cry out.

"You do not get to cum until I tell you" He growled while holding my throat making me keep eye contact I could not me glarmerd so I did not have to worry about that. I wanted to come so bad I could slowly feel the feeling going away.

"Eirc please" I wined out trying to apply to his more softer side, I guess i really pissed him off though because it was not working.

"Suck me" He growled while laying on his back I grinned at him before crawling over to him he was long and very hard. I grabbed him in my hands stroking him a few times before leaning down and kitten licking him making him goran.

"I said suck" Eric said while grabbing my hair and plunging his cock deep in my throat making me gag. I knew he loved when i gagged on his cock and I loved it too. I loved how he took control of my head and made me fuck him how he wanted.

"You love gagging on my cock don't you? I bet your fucking dripping wet now to, touch yourself but don't come" he moaned out while thrusting up in my mouth. I used the hand I was not wholding to spreading my folds and started to circle my clit and riding my hand it felt so good but I had to remember not to cum and that was very hard because my body was scareming at me to let go.

"FUck! You look so fucking sexy like this (Y/N) lips wrapped around my cock with your hands playing with that pretty pussy. Show me how wet you are" I moaned at his words I loved dirty and he knew it all to well he was pushing my buttons trying to get me to break his rule of no cumming.

I removed my hand form between my legs whining at the loss making Eric groan at the feeling and showing him how wet I was. And I was dripping. I wanted him to fuck me hard, an I wanted it now.

"Get on your back and spread those long fucking legs" He growled as I gave him one last hard suck making him buck into my throat harder than he meant to making me moan out at the feeling.

I did just that I looked up at Eric and found my breath catching in my throat his hair was all over the place with a light shin of sweat over his body and his normally bright blue eyes were nothing more than black pools of lust. I laid on my back and spread my legs as far as they would go and watched as Eric started to jerk himself off.

"Touch yourself" he moaned out while grabbing his balls and fucking his hand. I started to rub on my clit slowly at first I could feel it hard and waiting. When my finger found the nub I moaned out loud at the feeling I was so wet that I could feel it going into my ass crack. I really hoped he would stop this soon and fuck me.

"Fuck! Eric! Please" I cried out so close to cumming

"What do you want?" he growled out

"I wanna cum! I wanna feel you fuck me hard and fast, I wanna feel you use me until I can't move anymore, I want you!!" I moaned out each word hoping that maybe I cracked his control and he would fuck me like I know he wanted too.

Before I could even blink Eirc was on top of me and his hard cock was deep inside of me, he did not give me time to adjust he started a fast and hard pace hitting all the right spots and making me grab onto his back hard. I wrapped my legs tighten around him holding him closer to me. Eric leaned down and kissed me all tongue and teeth before kissing down to my neck and sinking his teeth into my neck drinking my blood.

"Please, I'm so close" I cried out while digging my nails into his back

"Who do you belong to" he growled into my ear his voice was so rough and husky it sent chills down my back making me clench around him.

"You! Fuck only you Eric" I yelled out pretty sure people in town could hear us

"Fuck! Cum, cum all over my cock I wanna feel you milk my cock (Y/N)" With his words that was my undoing and I came hard my world going black and my body tensing up I had no idea I was leaving bloody marks on his back until I finally came. And he was now laying with his head in my neck.

"I think you piss me off for this very reason" eric said his voice slowly coming back to normal.

"I have no clue what you" I said while laughing.

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