1. Promotion

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"Yes Sir, I understand."

"We are taking a risk on you here, don't mess this up. I, personally, am sticking my neck out for you and I am not ready to lose any of the reputation and respect I have earned within Shield."

Raven nodded at the head of recruitment before reaching her hand out. "I wouldn't dream of messing this up. Thank you for the opportunity. When would you like me to start?" 

The man before her smirked as he continued. "You aren't a new hire, this promotion is effectively immediately. Clear your desk before heading home, I will have a recruit move your effects this afternoon. Tomorrow you will report to the 40th floor before we get you settled in your office and introduce you to the other trainers as well as your recruits."

"So soon? Thank you. I am still heading security for the Stark party tomorrow night, correct?"

The manager appeared apologetic as he nodded at her. "Given the short notice that the director gave your current manager and myself, we unfortunately do not have a replacement lined up." 

"Of course Sir. I understand how that goes."

The man smiled at Raven's enthusiasm before shaking his head and correcting her. "None of this sir stuff. I am Agent Rusher or Lucas. The only reason you will ever need to address me as sir is if Hill, Fury, or any of their equivalents' are present, understood?"

Raven smiled brightly at him before answering. "Yes s-Agent Rusher, understood." 

Lucas chuckled at Raven's fumble as he ushered her out the door. "Don't worry about it Agent Rosen, we all have some deeply ingrained habits that we have to work around. I was simply trying to help set you at ease." Raven steals another glance at him before smiling shyly and heading to her desk.   

After a few short moments Raven found herself in front of her desk and began packing it up. The thought of starting her new position the following day making her practically vibrate with excitement. She was putting the last of her personal items in the box provided when a fellow agent approached her. 

"Hello Raven, how is being sacked sitting with you?"

Flicking her eyes up was unnecessary. Only one person had that obnoxious of a voice on her floor. 

"Hello Stevens. I was not sacked and am packing up my stuff before Agent Rusher sends someone to collect my personal items as I start my new position tomorrow. What can I help you with?"

"I have been invited to the Stark party by his head of security as his plus one. Add me to the list."

"I will add you to my list but you are still subject to rejection depending on what Agent Romanoff and Miss Potts' people find."

Rachel Stevens scoffed at Raven before perching her tall and lanky frame on the more petite woman's desk. 

"They won't find anything to kick me off for. Also, tomorrow, you are not to speak or acknowledge me. I refuse to be associated with the help tomorrow evening."

Raven rolled her eyes as she ducked her head behind her monitor to add the obnoxious woman in front of her to the guest list for the upcoming event. Before she could tell Rachel to get out, another person approached her door. She was surprised to see her boyfriend standing there but quickly shook off the surprise to smile up at the tall man before her, instantly making her smile and forget all about Rachel who was still staring lustfully at the tall drink of dark and mysterious standing before her. 

Raven approached the man, even as Rachel pushed herself off of the desk, bringing her lean 5'9" frame to its full height and still looking tiny compared to the 6'3" wall of muscle that engulfed Raven's petite 5'2" body in a tight hug. He kissed her gently before asking her how her interview went. His curiosity and support being something that Raven adored about him. Just as she began to answer, Rachel spoke up instead. 

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