6. Mission

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As soon as the screen was off, Raven turned and sat facing an almost nervous Wade. Her legs straddled his hips as she rested her arms on his shoulders. "Wade, what did you think you were doing? You have a mate that is even willing to have miniature assholes with you. You were stupid to let your mouth run away from you. Do better for the mission. What is the layout anyway?"

As she stood and moved to a seat across from him, he let out a shaky breath that had Loki smirking at him. "I have a feeling this is going to be the beginning of a truly entertaining friendship. I can't promise that any of the others will approve though." 

Raven shook her head at the pair before letting a small giggle escape. "Seriously now, what is the mission and how difficult are we talking?"

When her tone changed, both men realized she was getting irritated and settled themselves in. Wade pulled out files and contingency plans for each scenario. Loki kept exchanging glances with Raven who was looking more and more exasperated. When she finally snapped, Loki was nodding with her the entire time. "Wade! No! Saying that you are going to chop off your hand as a distraction for being caught is not a back up plan. If you are compromised, Loki will use his illusions and get you two out of there. I will try and keep focused on getting the kids out. What does the government even want with these kids?"

Wade glanced down before taking a deep breath. "This branch, specifically, has decided to merge with the Brethren of Shadows and Hydra. We need to keep these kids from becoming the future of the Winter Soldier program as well as possible enhanced robots. We need to keep them from becoming me, Logan, your mate, and even you."

Raven's face darkened as Wade continued to speak. If the BoS wanted these kids, she was going to make sure they were disappointed. In her opinion, Hydra was the less concerning but she knew that was far from the truth for many of the others. 

"This is to stay between us. Whatever we do, none of the others need to know. Let's go save some kids. Wade, you and Lokes will work on gathering intel and drop anyone who tries to stop you. Any questions?"

Loki smiled widely and asked the burning question. "How many kids and where do we plan on putting them?"

Raven smiled and called Xavier. When she explained the situation, he was more than happy to have a jet nearby ready to take the kids to his school. With all of the major logistics out of the way, the three smiled before preparing for a large battle. 


Sam and Sharon were sitting on their bed, watching a movie when there was a knock on the door. Pausing the movie, Sam opened the door to find his two best friends and the very serious looking Stephen Strange. 

"Uh, what's up Doc?" He waved the three inside while Sharon shifted and grew serious as the air became tense. 

"What happened?" Sharon was watching the three newcomers very carefully. She may be close with the super soldiers but she didn't dare cross them when they had their mission face on. 

"Loki went with Wade and Raven to do some sort of unsanctioned mission. Wade mentioned saving kids but none of us really know him well enough to trust him."

Sharon nodded as she grasped what was happening. Her eyes went wide and her back rigid. "Shit! I am going to kill them." She was out the door before any of the soldiers knew it. Only to have her back in the room and still running. There were two circles of light that kept her running out the door, only to appear in front of her window of her room. Eventually, she stopped running, completely out of breath. 

"No fair Strange."

"My mate, who is still not anti-murder, is currently doing a ride along with a mentally unstable mercenary and his own homicidal tendencies. The two only seemed to have met due to your friend. I am not in the mood to be fair. What is going on?"

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