5. Heartbreak

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Steve and Bucky led the way to their floor with Sam, Sharon, and Raven following. Sam had an arm around Sharon who barely registered the comfort he was trying to offer as she watched her best friend like she was expecting a dam to break at any moment. Steve and Bucky could feel Raven's pain and anger but couldn't fully grasp why it was there. She was their soulmate. She shouldn't be feeling that strongly about a man she had been dating prior to meeting them, engaged or otherwise. Bucky fell in step with Raven, behind Steve. He grabbed her hand gently and rubbed his thumb soothingly over the back of her hand. "Talk to us Doll. We can't help if we don't understand the situation." Steve's back stiffened as he heard the soft assurance from the usually silent half of their relationship. 

Sharon nodded at the questioning glance Raven threw her way before redirecting the group to a small lounge on the soldier's floor. Sam and Sharon immediately sat on the smaller couch, turning to face the larger seating option as the other three took their seats. Steve sat on one side and was ready to pull Raven behind him when she froze. Rather than argue with anyone, she spun in place until she faced an armchair. After sitting, she saw both of her mates' faces fall. 

Glancing at Sharon and the small smile on her face, Raven addressed her mates. "I, I am sorry. I do accept you both but I don't feel right taking comfort from you when my negative emotions are based upon a new ex. It isn't your fault and I am sorry if it seems like this is a punishment. I am actually trying to be fair to you both." Raven's head dropped as she leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees and hands clasped in front of her. She only looked up when there was a loud laugh ringing through the small space. 

"I-I am so - sorry." Sam was still laughing as he apologized for doing so. "I just, you are a mix of the two of them. Bucky is just as stubborn and withdrawn while Steve is always feeling guilty for actions he has no reason to feel guilty about. Girl, you are a female version of both of them. Hell! You even use yourself like a shield with that awesome ability you've got going. It's awesome. Had I known what you were like when you aren't being the batshit crazy redhead that my levelheaded mate has to save all the time, I would have introduced you three so much sooner!"

Suddenly, Bucky's head whipped to he and Steve's best friend. "Did you just say that our little bird over here is the one who picks fights that she might not be able to win?"

Raven dropped her gaze to Sharon. Both of them knew it was actually Sharon who picked the fights and it was Raven who finished them. Sam just hadn't caught on to that yet. Raven raised an eyebrow almost daring her best friend to let her break the news to the oblivious men. 

"Hell yeah!! Sam's smile and enthusiasm was infectious. Bucky tilted his head towards Steve before saying anything. "Looks like she is more like you than the two of us guessed. You ready to help me reign in another pre-serum you?"

Steve forced out an obviously fake laugh before smiling at the redhead who was using looks to hold a conversation with his one time girlfriend. That thought was sobering for him. He needed to tell her before she found out and thought he was hiding it from her. Both guys already knew, Bucky having gone on a date with the youngest Carter as well, before she met Sam. He wanted to see if she was someone the two could date because something felt like it was missing but they didn't know what. Steve smiled at the redhead one more time, telling himself that now they knew what had been missing. 

Before he could tell her though, she sat up straighter with a new air of confidence surrounding her. It showed them that she had a silent, commanding capability that had all four soldiers sitting up to listen to her. She smirked at Sharon one more time before letting a small amount of frustrated attitude show on her face. "Actually, hate to burst your bubble here but, I don't start the fights. I do finish them though."

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