11. Dinner from Hell

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Raven was not looking forward to dinner with her worst nightmare, who turns out to be the father of her current love interest. She wasn't sure she believed anything anymore. Last night, she had felt both of her hips ignite with a fiery passion that made her look at them for the first time in a month. Seeing the star and shield was enough for her to recognize that she had soulmates out there.

She gasped as the feelings and emotions climbed. She wanted to know what they did to make the other feel as amazing as she imagined they did with what she was feeling from her hips. She groaned in want as the pain and pleasure combined together in a beautiful ache. Raven leaned her arms against the wall and panted as she felt their combined ecstasy reaching it's peak. Suddenly, they tumbled over and she was surprised to feel her her things dripping either evidence of her own happiness with the situation. A warm fluttering filling her completely and making her feel safe and secure for a moment was the perfect ending to what was happening. She brushed her fingers over both marks lovingly, gently sending her own approval and acceptance to the mystery men she was already falling for.

Yesterday's meeting hadn't gone very well. She had barely had time to register the monster from her memories standing in front of her, telling her she was engaged to his son, before there was a small zap around her neck. She gasped as her hands flew to her throat, only to feel a collar of sorts attached there. Her eyes got big as she understood it was some sort of electronic collar that was now locked onto her neck. When she asked what they had done, the monster in front of her laughed and said bringing a bitch to heel. Her heart had shattered slightly when she glanced behind her to see who had locked her in the device, only to find Bryan standing beside Becca. Her best friend since coming to this place had betrayed her, as had the asshat she was supposedly in love with. It was at that moment that the man who had haunted her dreams smiled and told Becca to take their newest houseguest to the spare room. Apparently, that was code for the cell in his basement. She hadn't slept and was summoned the following morning; this morning. Once in front of him, she was informed that she was to be bathed and made presentable for a special dinner.

This was it, the last two things she needed to do before being completely ready. Bryan must have had a say in her attire for the evening as she was to wear an elegant evening gown that gave her a sleek outline with a flair for dainty femininity. Overall, Raven hated it but couldn't refuse. The pinching black heels that were paired with it made her cringe as well.

Once dressed, she stepped outside the room she had been allowed to borrow for the day. Raven found herself escorted down to the foyer, only to have a sleep mask placed over her eyes. Just as she was about to question the efficacy of the precaution, a cloth was pressed to her mouth and nose. In almost no time, she was being lifted from the floor by Victor and placed in the seat next to him in the back of his SUV.

"Couldn't risk her knowing where she had come from and causing problems for us with our other dinner guest, now could we?" The driver smirked at his boss' explanation while Bryan slid into the passenger seat up front.

Upon arrival, Victor watched as his son picked up their guest and handcuffed her to the chains attached the arms of her seat. Her ankles were then chained to the front legs of the same chair. After that was said and done, Victor added a small leash latch to the back of her personalized e-collar that kept her sitting upright in the position he wanted. He needed to ensure that there would be no surprises while going for the maximum effect.

Bryan sat on one side of his lovely bride to be  while his father sat on her other side. The other place mat was set directly across from Raven and Bryan watched the door, an arrogant spreading across his lips as he imagined the reactions they would get for the scene they set. There was nothing he wanted more than to shove the Avengers noses in his success. Raven would be his weapon of choice, for now.

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