9. BoS and a Raven

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"Come on love, you need to get up." Bryan kissed along Raven's shoulder and collarbone. He enjoyed her small hum as she rolled onto her back to give him more access. The last month had been difficult. She seemed to fight him on the little things. He had to yell her about them being on a Bretheren of Shadows secret base and watch as she shook in fear. He had no idea she had history with his organization. He wanted to take over for his father. He had once wanted nothing to do with it but after Fury threw him out of shield, his father welcomed him back with open arms.

The others they had returned with weren't being very cooperative but, he had a feeling his father had an ace up his sleeve. They had a meeting this morning and Bryan had been surprised that his father wanted Raven to join them. This was going to be interesting to say the least.

"Mmm Bryan, when is the meeting?"

He smirked down at his beautiful woman. "We are needed there in about an hour and a half."

"Then why am I awake so early?" She was always so tired here. Bryan was still adjusting to the new side-effect of almost always adjusting her memories.

"So I could have you this morning and take you to meet my father with the combination of our love dripping out of you."

"Take me if you want but then I am showering. I am so not meeting your dad for the first time with your seed dripping out of me." Raven laughed but still felt a pang in her stomach at the thought of having sex with Bryan. She had never gotten rid of it, just hid it well.

"After the meeting, I need to go see Becca. She and I planned out a shopping day."

Bryan chuckled as he kissed down Raven's chest. "Of course you did love. How is that friendship going?"

"It feels weird to have a friend. I've always been alone or discovered they were just backstabbing traitors reporting me to their own superiors. I like having a friend who is just a friend because they want to be."

Raven gasped as Bryan's lips had worked their way much lower. She didn't exactly like that it was him but she enjoyed the pleasure he could bring her. She always imagined him with bright blue eyes with green flecks or ice blue with a piercing intensity that made icles jealous.

As she looked down, meeting his eyes just above her core, she imagined the ice blue and suddenly felt a fresh wave of moisture. His hums of pleasure at rhe effect he had on making her feel slightly guilty but not enough to stop her changes at his eyes. When he inserted a finger, she imagined the feel of cold metal fingers. She didn't know who her dream guy was but the features would shift. She sometimes wondered if it was two different men that her brain thought up. As the thought crossed her mind, Bryan latched onto her aching bundle of nerves making her cry out and arch her back.

As the waves of ensure slowly decreased, she felt his lips meet hers before lining himself up and thrusting in deep. "I won't last love. You taste and feel so good today."

Even as she hummed an approval at his words, her brain imagined two men taking her, making her feel like a tiny doll trapped between their punishing pace and broad shoulders. The feel of their hard bodies against her soft one. Imagining them both grunting and kissing above her head as they exploded inside her body, making her feel like two bombs had gone off and took her to heaven. The way they would then kiss her neck, shoulders, and lips while helping soothe and relax her. She didn't last either. Bryan felt her body spasm around him before clenching so tight, he saw stars. He couldn't hold back as her body milked him of every drop. Both fell back to the bed, panting. Raven felt even more guilty when Bryan panted out a wow and said he had never felt her grip him quite that hard before. 

Even as she felt the aftermath of their morning drip down her thigh, she shifted and rolled out of bed. She slammed the bathroom door closed and barely locked it before she was sprinting for the toilet. Acid burned her throat as it rose from her stomach and made it's appearance in the morning light. Raven collapsed for a moment before telling herself she wouldn't think about her imaginary men anymore. The fact that she had just had the most amazing orgasm at just the thought of them was terrifying. Who were these two and why did they hold so much sway over her body and mind. She sighed as she stood and rinsed her mouth. Jumping into the shower after gargling some warm water before brushing her teeth. When she was clean and felt no remnants of her upheaval or their extra curricular activities, she reemerged and got dressed for the meeting. 

Bryan watched as she made a mad dash for the bathroom and leaned back on his elbows with a shit eating grin on his lips. He had been trying for a month to knock Raven up and could only hope his efforts hadn't been in vain. As she reemerged, he let his eyes roam her body to see if there were any of the subtle changes he had read about. He couldn't see any but that didn't mean he was attempts were fruitless. Time would surely tell. 

Just as he thought she was going to live in their shared closet for the rest of the day, she returned with some darker dress jeans and a v-cut black tank top on under a flannel shirt. "Are you not trying to impress my father then love?" Bryan was smiling at her but the undertone of disappointment was on full display.

Raven looked down at her outfit and sighed before going back to the closet. She changed into a black leather jacket, white tee and the same dark wash jeans with her knee-high leather boots. 


Bryan didn't think it was any better but something was obviously on his woman's mind and he intended to find out what from her friend later. "It'll have to do, I suppose."

Raven rolled her eyes as he pulled her close. She tried not to cringe when he caressed her stomach. He had been doing that a lot recently and every time he did, she wanted to hurl. She didn't know why she hadn't fallen pregnant yet but was extremely satisfied with the outcome. 

As they were finally leaving their makeshift room in the underground compound knockoff, Bryan wrapped his arm around Raven's waist. He tensed as a woman approached and leaned into his chest, right next to Raven's shoulder. "Oh, Mr. Brenton, I didn't know you were already back. Why didn't you tell me? I would have come and warmed you thoroughly, relaxed you to extremes you didn't even know were possible." Bryan cleared his throat and looked to Raven who seemed to be effectively unbothered by the display the woman was putting on. 

"Sorry, Cindy. This is my fiancé and I am very happy with her. So, thanks for the offer but no. I am just fine."

The woman frowned momentarily before glancing at the woman wrapped in his arm, next to her. "Oh, I see. I'm Charlene. Well, that was sweet of you to help the closest charity case. I hope you both are very happy, you know where to find me when you're ready."

She smiled the fakest smile possible, only for it to drop when Raven met her eye. "Am I supposed to be intimidated and jealous of this display? You show up, hang all over him like its a job and then get pushed away by him on his own yet, I am supposed to be worried about you? Is there something about you that is irresistible? Oh, I mean other than that cheap ass pawn shop you call a vagina or your beat in ass. Plus your tit fluff is hanging out. At least you know you'll always be able to clean yourself up after the second rate chumps finish stuffing you with the sticky goo you think counts towards a personality. Thanks but no thanks. I see nothing for me to concern myself with."

The woman got the most wicked look on her face. "That's why he was fucking my brains out last month, because you are just so much better than me."

Raven nodded at her, an almost impressed look on her face. "If that is the case, then I was scammed into thinking he was a better man then the back-alley homeless people you usually stick to. Shame on me in that case."

Raven kept walking, ignoring the headache that pounded against her skull. It wasn't until the doors opened to the meeting hall that she had a memory of walking into her old apartment she had shared with Bryan, listening to him screw another woman while she was with- She couldn't remember who she had been with. It was not a good sign and made her more vigilant as she stepped beyond the doorway and came face to face with none other than her worst nightmare.


"Hello my darling. Welcome back to where you belong. I told you that you would get along with my son, did I not."

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