8. Truth, Lies, and Revelations

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When Fury suggested they move to the conference room, the last thing any of them expected was Bryan to be sitting there.

"I think it's time for all of us to have a sit down and have some honest communication. Hello again Love."

Raven shuddered and almost wished she had invited Steve and Bucky to come with her. Almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she shook it off. She was not a weak damsel and this was just her ex. She could handle her ex and wouldn't give him any ideas as to how she was feeling.

Sharon was the first one to speak up though, her eyes briefly seeing the concern on the other woman's face. "No. This meeting has nothing to do with you, Bryan. You need to leave."

Bryan stood from his seat and confidently sauntered over, his confidence oozing into arrogance as he moved. "Says the little girl who was given my job after her cry-baby of a friend complained about being broken up with. Boo-fucking-hoo." His eyes shifted and burned into Raven as he continued past Sharon's determined frame. Before he got too close, however, both Wade and Fury stepped in front of her.

It was then that Raven decided the conversation didn't matter. All three of them were standing beside her, even in front of her, when there was a threat. While she didn't want to be coddled, only those who truly care would be willing to do that. The origin of their friendship no longer held any of her attention. Every fiber of her being was instead focused on the man facing her.

Stepping forward, she tapped both Fury and Wade on their elbow's letting them know she was okay and waited for them to move. Both hesitated but eventually realized this was her fight. They were the backup and support.

"What do you want Bryan?"

His brow furrowed slightly at the cold tint to her voice. He also finally took in her bruised and scrapped up face and arms. Her jaw was turning darker as he watched and her eyebrow began to bleed through a split in it as she raised it at him.

"What happened to you? I thought you were supposed to be training recruits, nothing that would make you look like this."

Taking a deep breath, Raven closed her eyes for a moment. "How I look has nothing to do with you. Also, to clarify something you said previously, I didn't complain, nor did you break up with me. You had no issue cheating on me, but I let it slide because I could understand the draw of the mate bond. I had to be told by your once soulmate though, not you. You lied, made me feel like shit for ensuring I didn't hurt you more, then tried to take cheap shots at me. Who do you think you are to just barge in here and take over a meeting? How did you even know a meeting was going to happen?"

Bryan's face grew more pinched and angry with every word out of the redhead's mouth. "It was my job to know where everyone was at all times for a long time. You have yet to answer any of my questions."

Raven chewed her lip while trying to regain her composure. "I don't answer to you."

Wade exchanged glances with Sharon while discreetly stepping in front of Fury. When Fury saw the pair forming a plan while hiding him, he sent out a short message to the AI in the compound.


He had to hit send without finishing the thought because Bryan's eyes flitted to him briefly. He figured they could take the former agent but his gut told him there was more at play than a one man show. As he watched the one time close pull a communications blocker from his pocket and turn it on, Fury hoped his message had been received.

Tony was sitting with Nat, Banner, Stephen Strange, and Loki while watching the three soldiers pace as stress became permanently etched on their faces. Their muscles stiff, hands fisted, and sweat gathering in pools on their backs as if the shirts were any indicators. It was Loki who spoke to the group watching the spectacle.

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