4. Unexpected News **

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When the four men emerged from their rooms the next morning, they barely exchanged glances. Steve, Bucky, and Sam always got up and went for a jog. They weren't even a little surprised to see that Bryan was completely ready to go and didn't spare them a glance before heading in his own direction for the day, and hopefully the rest of his life. Steve and Bucky watched him walk away and sighed in relief, they could only hold back for so long and if he had stuck around or tried to worm his way back into Raven's life, they weren't sure how long their self-restraint would last.

When they arrived at their usual jogging spot, they were all surprised to see a smiling Sharon racing an obviously exhausted Raven. When Bucky focused on her soul-mark, he could feel just how stressed she was about having to face both him and Steve as well as potentially a very pissed off Bryan. He couldn't help but want to comfort her but paused when Nat and Wanda appeared next to the first pair of women. Steve and Sam were quietly whispering about how it was odd for all the women to be there but Bucky smirked at Sam while Steve shook his head. He knew the two other men were about to get the three of them in trouble. He stood and slightly turned with a resigned smile on his face before putting his hands on his hips and nodding at the other two. "What's the plan Buck?" Sam broke into a full smile which matched Bucky's wide one. Steve chuckled then listened as Bucky explained the whole plan.

Meanwhile, the girls were all chatting and trying to keep the heavy emotions off of Raven's mind. Instead, they were discussing Nat and Bruce trying to adopt. Sharon and Sam having an overly healthy sex life. Wanda was telling them all about some of the fun things that Vision and she were able to do; one of which was projecting everything they were feeling onto the other person. Raven and Sharon were both amazed at the whole concept while Nat was smirking and explaining what other things she would project on Bruce. All of them were laughing when Rachel happened to jog by seeing Nat and Wanda.

"Oh my goodness! I thought it was you. Nice to see you both again!" Rachel's fake voice rang like an out of tune door chime. Bucky and Sam were about to sneak up on their soulmates but paused when a new voice seemed to talk down to them.

"Oh! You two are here too? What reason do you have to be here Raegan?"

Raven half growled out a correction. "It's Raven."

With a wave of her hand, Rachel tried to shoo Raven away. "Well, you two don't need to keep bugging the heroes anymore. Why don't you go back to whatever sewer you crawled out of?"

Sharon was about to square up but Raven held her back. Sam and Bucky stepped forward instead, the prank forgotten after seeing the way this woman was treating their soulmates the way that she had. Unfortunately, all of the anger and glaring was wasted on Rachel. She sashayed her way up to the two men and was attempting to flirt while the men traded looks like, 'Are you seeing this?'

'What the fuck is wrong with this woman?'

Both Sharon and Raven saw the silent communication and couldn't help but silently giggle behind the oblivious blonde.

Steve saw that Raven was focused on Bucky and used the distraction in his favor. He snuck up behind her and wrapped her up in his arms. The way that her head dropped back against his chest when she felt the sparks associated with his touch had him holding back a moan. Her jaw dropped it's tension and he watched as her mouth slid open a bit as she panted against him. He knew they were in public and while the scene wasn't obviously erotic, the things it made him want to do were. He dropped his head, laying a gentle kiss on her cheek which seemed to bring her back to Earth. She blushed like crazy while Steve stood tall with a victorious Captain America smile in place. When he allowed his eyes to meet Bucky's, he saw the same hunger in the darker super soldier that he felt in himself. He knew then that Bucky was going to fall into the same trance he had when Raven was in his arms.

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