12. Bond or No Bond **

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Everyone went to the appropriate attack points and began their assault. Wanda and Vision took out the heaviest security with the help of Thor and Carol in other parts of the base. Tony was bringing down any shields he came across and worked to turn any tech-based defense Hydra had, against its original owner.

Antman and Hope shrank down and tried to see if they could find the prisoners while the others fought any and all personnel they met. Clint and Kate were perched in trees outside the base and taking down anyone who attacked their team as fast as they could. T'Challa used every one of his advantages to keep the enemy at bay while Nat and Bucky moved to collect all intel they could get their hands on. Almost immediately two people, who had been inside, surrendered.

As they did, both offered up their names. "I am Eric Gelding and this is Rebecca Barnes. Please, don't harm her, please? We were not volunteers for this."

Bucky heard about his sister from Scott Lang as he called it in that the two were captured. He fought even harder to get inside and help with the situation. Rebecca and her mate helped the other mated pair find and rescue Banner as well as Strange. Once the two were rescued and everyone had confirmation, Loki and Wanda took off. They placed bombs along the entire peremiter while Stark dropped a few in the center. They wanted to level the entire base.

As everyone flew to safety, Banner curled up next to Nat, laying his head in her lap. He needed the reminder that she was real and had gotten him out of there. Strange and Loki actually sat, leaning on one another, reminding themselves that they were free and together. Becca and Eric sat across from Steve and Bucky. The four were staring, proving to themselves that the others were truly there. Eric held his mate's hand the entire flight home. He was scared they were going to be separated again. When the Quinjets landed and they were shown a room down the same hall as the super soldiers, both paused and checked with everyone again.

"You mean we get to stay with you, like a regular mated pair?" Becca was hesitant to ask but needed the confirmation.

Bucky stepped up to his sister and gently wrapped his arms around her. "You two weren't there by choice. We are offering you a chance to move past what you were forced into. We will let you stay here until you feel more secure in the day to day life as a free citizen, then you two can decide if you want to stay and help us as part of the Avengers or live out your lives as everyday, Joe regulars. You will not be forced to be anything, ever again, if we can help it."

Sam, Sharon, and Steve, who were still present with Bucky and the newly rescued mated pair, all looked shocked. It had been a long time since Bucky volunteered to speak that much without being coaxed into it. It brought a smile to Steve's face as he watched his mate get back a small piece of who he once was.

Back on the main level, Tony was pacing with Pepper watching him intently. He was pacing as Clint and Yelena stood, trying to help calm him down. The problem was that no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. He felt like they had royally messed up in not getting Raven back. He looked up from the floor and stopped pacing when Wanda, Vision, and Loki all stepped into the room as well. It was Vision who spoke first though.

"This isn't going to help Sir. We have to formulate a new plan and get her back. We have everyone but her back now, that has to count for something."

Wanda gripped Vision's hand as he spoke. She felt the same foreboding anxiety as Stark but felt he was freaking out enough on his own. Loki had a feeling that things were going to get so much worse before they got better. He needed to get back to Stephen though too.

He excused himself and went back to their shared room. The pair were mostly just holding one another. Neither one offering up their experience but instead settling for a comforting silence in which they shared their vulnerability and supported the other as the quiet tears slid down their faces. They were home, and safe. It was more than either thought they were ever going to get again.

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