Sweater Weather

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I didn't want her to see me like this. I haven't showered since the first day I got to the hotel, my clothes are covered in mud from sleeping on the bench. I know I smell bad but there was nothing I could do at this point, I just needed Kate.

Kate pulled up in her small white car that she got for her 16th birthday. The car looked brand new because she took such great care of it. She was such a careful driver and wouldn't even glance at her phone. Kate rolled the window down a bit and started to speak. "Well are you going to get in or just stand there?" She said with a slight giggle. A small smile started to creep across my face. I haven't smiled in days or seen anyone that I have known forever. I missed seeing the people that I love.

I started to walk towards the car door as she was rolling up the window to keep in the warm air. I opened the door and my lungs were filled with the sweet smell of her strawberry perfume. The smell intoxicating my lungs, making me want to breathe in all of the delicious smelling air. I carefully shut the car door making sure not to slam it. She started to speak again.

"Hey darling, what happened to you?"

"I- uh I'll tell more about it later, I just need somewhere to go," I said scared that Kate might force what happened out of me. I know she isn't like that but she is picking me up in the middle of the night.

"Of course that's ok, my mom has her best friend over and she is sleeping in the guest bedroom. So, you could either sleep on the couch or in my room."

"Why is she staying over?" I asked with a look of confusion.

"She is getting a divorce and she doesn't feel safe living with him right now," Kate said as she looked out the car windows to make sure she was good to go home.

"Oh ok, and I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight," I said even though I want to sleep with Kate. To feel her warm body next to mine and to see her peaceful sleep. But I don't want her to get suspicious of me.

Kate slowly started to pull out of the nasty Dollar General, even though they were extremely nice people in there, the store was trashed. Once we got on the highway she asked me if I wanted to play her playlists.

"Hey Aleah?"

"Y-yes?" She caught me off guard. I was staring out the window just daydreaming.

"You can grab my phone and play my playlist if you want," when she said that her voice got softer and softer making me relaxed.

"Ok," I grabbed her phone and put in her password, 5090, then I went onto Spotify and saw that she had 2 different playlists. One was named 'car rides:)' and the other was named 'Aleah'. I am confused. Why would she have a playlist named after me? I quickly scroll through it to see some of the songs.

Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery

Someone To You - Banners

Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny

Dandelions - Ruth B.

I Wanna be Your Girlfriend - Girl in Red

Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery

Heart Like Yours - Willamette Stone

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