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"Miss. Lee"

"Miss. Lee"

I heard someone calling my name. I turned over and opened my eyes slightly. It was the nurse.

"I just have to give you some more medicine. The doctor will be in here shortly to evaluate you and see if you can leave early," said the nurse while handing me a pill and a water bottle.

"Ok!" I opened the water and placed the pill in my mouth. I quickly swallowed the water as I had a thought come into my head.

"Do you know where Kate went," I asked the nurse.

"She probably went down to the cafeteria to go and get something for breakfast," the nurse said. "Do you need anything else sweetheart?"

"Nope! Thank you for your help," I said with a smile as the nurse nodded and walked out of the room.

I turned on the TV and watched some shows while I waited for Kate to return. After a bit, I heard the door open and I swiftly turned my head to see if it was Kate. I was Kate but she also had the doctor with her.

"Miss. Lee, you seem to be recovering well and I think we will be able to release you really soon. You will still have to take medicine for both your concussion and your broken arm. You will get the medicine once you fill out the discharge form. How do you feel right now," asked the doctor while walking towards the bed.

"Hungry," I said while the doctor gave out a little chuckle.

"Kate I think brought you some food," he said while looking at Kate.

"But I do feel better than yesterday, my arm still hurts but my head doesn't hurt as much!"

"That's good! I will have a nurse send you the discharge forms and you guys will be on your way home," said the doctor while leaving the room.

Kate handed me my breakfast which was just some bacon and pancakes. Within a few minutes of the doctor leaving, a nurse walked in and handed us the forms and my medicine. Kate quickly filled out the forms and then we were told that we could leave. Kate packed up everything that we had in the hospital into a few bags. We walked out of the room and Kate showed me where she parked the car. She opened the door for me and led me in. Then she put the bags in the backseat and hopped in the car. The drive to the cabin was silent. Nobody spoke and there was no music playing. I was getting lost in my thoughts and I was just happy to be out of the hospital.

Once we arrived at the cabin, Kate helped me out of the car and walked me inside. I sat down on the couch as Kate started to pack the car. I felt bad for not being able to help at all but I knew Kate wouldn't let me help her. So I decided to call AJ and tell him how everything was going.

We ended up talking for a few minutes just so he could check up on me and make sure I was ok. But I told him the most exciting news, it was that Kate and I were finally dating. AJ was so excited for us and I was so grateful to have a friend like AJ.

"Darling, are you ready to go," Kate said to me as she was packing the final items.

"Mhm! Let me just say goodbye to AJ!" I said my goodbyes to AJ and told him that he would have to come over soon once we got back home.

I put my phone in my pocket and Kate helped me out of the door and into the car. Kate started the car and we pulled out of the driveway and started our 19 hour drive home. I was definitely going to miss it here. This cabin brought me some of my favorite memories and some bad ones. But nonetheless, I had an awesome time here with Kate.

These past 8 months have been the hardest but best months of my life. Getting kicked out of my house and onto the streets was definitely the worst week of my life but Kate gave me happiness in those times. I am unbelievably thankful for my girlfriend, Kate, and her parents for supporting me through this tough time. I am also so thankful for AJ for sticking by my side and not leaving me in the dark. I don't know what I would do without them, especially Kate. I never want her to forget how much she means to me and how much I love her.

"I love you Kate."

"I love you too darling."

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