Am I Dreaming?

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I felt myself tossing and turning in my sleep. But then I felt someone shake my shoulder. Once I saw Kate I just knew I needed to tell her right now. I was in love with Kate.

"Kate, I need to tell you something," I said hesitantly.

"Yeah of course, you can tell me anything!"

"I think I- uh like you. Like, I like like you," I said while squinting my face in fear.

"What do you mean? We are best friends! I like like you too," Kate said with a smile on her face but also seemed confused.

"No, I mean I like you more than just friends."

"You what- me," Kate said with a look of disgust taking over her face.

"I-i like you," I said.

"That's absolutely disgusting. You're a fucking pig. I don't want you to ever talk to me again," Kate said while yelling at me. "I want you out of this cabin right this minute-



"Are you ok?"

I heard someone talking as I started to wake up in a cold sweat.

"W-what just h-happened," I said with tears starting to roll down my face in fear.

"I think you had a nightmare, are you ok," Kate questioned me with a look of worry on her face.

"n-no," I said as I started to sob while throwing myself into Kate's arms. Kate started to rub and pat my back to try and comfort me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't k-know," I said while still sobbing into Kate's arms.

"It's ok darling, take your time," Kate said in her soothing voice.

I finally started to relax a bit after hearing the nickname combined with Kate holding me and her voice. After a while of Kate rubbing my back, I felt her hand slowly started to slow down. I felt Kate drift off to sleep while I was in her arms. That thought alone put me to sleep right away.


I woke up from the rays of light coming through my room. I rolled over to look at my phone to see what time it was.


Oh crap.

Kate and I were supposed to go horseback riding this morning. Kate wasn't by my side so I wonder why she didn't wake me up? I decided to call for Kate because I felt my head starting to throb.

"K-kate" I yelled softly while holding my head in pain.

I heard running coming from the hall as Kate barged in.

"What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt-"

"I'm ok, I just have a headache," I said sluggishly.

"Ok, it's ok I'll go and get you some medicine, food, and water. Do you want anything specific," Kate asked quickly.


"Ok I'll go- wait what," Kate asked with a look of confusion.

"I want you- I want you to just stay here with me. Please?"

"Uh- yes, yes of course but are you sure you don't want anything," Kate asked me with a soft look on her face.

"Not r-right now, just you," I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Ok but I do need you to eat and drink something soon." Kate said as she slowly started to slip back into bed with me.

I really didn't feel good at all. Once I woke up, I felt my head starting to get heavy and my eyes getting drowsy. I really just needed Kate to help me. I needed her.

I felt Kate slowly pull me into a cuddle as I started to drift back asleep again.

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