What happened?

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Over the next few months, everything kinda just blended together. I went back to school and I got a job at McDonald's. The job wasn't anything special. I got paid minimum wage and I just did it for the money. Since I am now living with Kate I have to pay for my own stuff. Kate or Kate's parents didn't say I had to, but I feel bad for just coming into their lives and taking their stuff.

School was boring, like normal. But it is coming to an end! We have 5 days left of school! But... we have our finals. I'm not ready for that.

Me and Kate have been studying like crazy for our finals. We would quiz each other every night for the past week. It's been so much work but I know it will pay off. Since we are seniors it is super important that we will pass our finals. I have already applied and got accepted into my dream college! And Kate is going with me! I'm so excited to go to the University of Chicago, Illinois! I think it's going to be a lot of work but I know Kate will help me along the way.

Oh also, WE GOT A CAT! His name is Midnight and he is an all black cat. He has so much energy and he is the biggest cuddle buddy ever. He is a big scared-cat though but we try our best to comfort him.

Me and Cameron talk every once in a while and just catch up with each other. We will go out to eat once a month and talk about everything. My mom and dad seemed to be fighting a lot once I left. Cameron said that I kind of broke up their relationship. I don't feel sorry for them but I do feel sorry for Cameron. She doesn't have a good relationship with them anymore and she mainly just hangs out at our grandma's house. She said she is trying her best but I know she is breaking inside. Her friends are keeping her busy which is good.

I'm so excited for the last day of school because once we get out of school, me and Kate are going straight to a cabin in the woods! It's for our senior vacation but it's just the two of us! We are staying there for a week and I'm over the moon excited! It is in Harrison, Maine and it's a 19 hour drive which sucks but the plane tickets were insanely expensive!

Kate told me about how our friend group is going before I went back to school. She told me AJ broke up with Brittany because of what she did. Brittany now is friends with the popular girls that are actually the mean girls. She tried to ruin AJ's life but he just completely ignores her. Kate told me that everything was the same except that now everyone knows I'm gay.

I thought that Brittany would tell everyone but not in the way that she did. She put papers up all over the school saying that I was gay. It was so cruel and childish, but luckily most of the people in the school truly didn't care.

But Kate. I get this feeling in my stomach when I look at her. It hurts but a good hurt. I like it. Whenever she smiles, I smile back with a blush on my face. Whenever she gets closer to me, I start to sweat and get all hot. I get nervous around her but not that I'm scared more that I don't want her to think I'm weird. I notice every small detail about her.
Her hair.
Her scent.
Her clothes.
Her walk.
Her laugh.
Her smile.
Her body.
Her eyes.
Her makeup.
Her shoes.
Her hobbies.
Her interest.
And her lips.
Her lips.

She is just my best friend but I wouldn't feel like this is if she was just my best friend. Whenever we hold each other during the thunderstorms, I feel safe. I feel loved.

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